Monday, September 30, 2013

Fantasy Core RPG: Jianghu Setting-Monsters-Undead

Fantasy Core RPG
© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)


Never, ever dishonor the dead, for their memories are very long and filled with vengeance.
Spirits of various sorts also haunt the land.  There are dishonored and neglected ancestors who harass their families.  Ghosts of those wrongly killed terrorize those disturbing their resting-places.  There are vampires and ghouls created by improper burial, such as those buried on unhallowed ground or those killed by supernatural means.

Even just the parts of a man may be dangerous in the wrong hands.
An animated skeleton, usually created by an evil magic user.
HD 1, Hp 4, AC 13 
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0
Melee: Claw, +1 to hit 1d6

Mere flesh and bone, do not a man make.
An animated corpse, usually created by an evil magic user.
HD 2+3, Hp 11, AC 11, Always strike last in rd.        
Fort +0, Ref –1, Will +3
Melee: Slam +2 to hit 1d6+1

Cannibalism creates an unending appetite.
A slavering, sub-human creature obsessed with eating human flesh.  They are cannibals who have died on unhallowed ground, or voluntarily by ritual cannibalism.  They cannot stand sunlight.
HD 2, Hp 13, AC 14
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Melee: Bite +2 to hit 1d6+1 + DC 12 Fort Sv or paralyzed 1 turn

Where evil has been done, ghosts rise for revenge.
Translucent undead humanoid.  Not insubstantial, they do have a tangible being that they must revert to in order to attack.  These are usually created from people killed violently on unhallowed ground.  These unfortunate creatures are chained to the spot of their death.  Their motives are totally dependent on the ghost.  Some may mindlessly attack any who enter their space.  Others may try to communicate and need some task done in order to achieve release.  All will attack if threatened with exorcism (divine radiance attacks and such).  Not all ghosts have all the powers listed.   
HD 10, Hp 60, AC 13* (Magic to hit)     
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Melee: Touch 2 att, +4 to hit 1d10 each
Can become Invisible and Intangible at will (0 BAB to attack).

Fright: On initial visible appearance in Encounter, DC 18 Will Sv or panic 1d4 rds.
Moan Scare: When visible, the Ghost can make an audible moan, DC 18 Will Sv or panic 1d4 rds.  (Paladins and shamen are immune.)
Possession:  When visible, the Ghost may attempt to move into a person and take them over.  DC 18 Will Sv or controlled for 1d4 rds.  Smite, Divine Light, Consecrate, Exorcism, magic weapons, and magic spell attacks on the host will affect the Ghost instead (use Ghost stats), but any other type of attack damages the host (use host stats).
Delusion Spell: DC 18 Will Sv to disbelieve, once per day.
Charm Person: DC 18 Will Sv, once per day, lasts 1 day
Flight power
Will reform in a day if killed without an exorcism (attacked with Divine Light and such) or some task perform to give them rest. 

Even the dead fear vampires.
Hopping Vampire (Lord)
Hideous flying corpses.  These creatures are created by evil magic users from the recently dead.  They are unintelligent monsters used as long-term guards or as undead shock troopers.  A Vampire Lord is an evil magic user who has turned himself into the undead.  Neither needs blood to subsist, but Lords must drain energy to survive.      
HD 6 (9), Hp 12 (36), AC 16* Magic to hit      
Fort +5 (+6), Ref +2 (+3), Will +2 (+3)
Melee: Slam 2 att, +6 (+9) to hit 1d8 each
(Lords also Energy Drain, DC 18 Will Sv or lose 1d4 negative hp, at –10 hp, the character is dead and their corpse may be used as a Hopping Vampire host.)
Limited flight, leaping attacks

An unspoiled tomb is likely that way for a reason.
These are undead tomb guardians or preserved ancient kings.  They take trespassing real seriously.
HD 8d12+3, Hp 55, AC 20
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +8
Melee: Slam +11 to hit 1d6+10 + Mummy Rot (DC 18 Fort Sv, character begins to lose 1d4 negative hp per day and show visible signs of decay.  They will have to atone at a temple with the help of a priest or shaman.  DC 18 Will Sv + ½ level of the priest.  This may be attempted once a day.  At –10 hp, the character crumbles to dust.)
Despair: At the mere sight of a mummy, DC 18 Will Sv or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. 

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