Thursday, June 6, 2019

Robomeck RPG Introduction


Game Rules
PDF of Game Doc
About Robotech in general

Commentary Track Part 2
About creating the game

Macross and Southern Cross

Adventure Settings Part 2
Invid Invasion and Space Colonies

Sample Adventure set in the Space War III/Hive Occupation Era
Yes, Robomeck!  We all remember that great giant robot show from the 80’s, right?  It was a tremendous multi-generational sci-fi epic with giant alien warriors, transforming robots, and heartrending love stories.  Don’t forget that swell music, This is my time to sing it out!  Yes, who can forget that?  Actually, I might have forgotten some insignificant stuff and gotten a couple names wrong, but who cares?  Robomeck fans are well known for being welcoming, friendly, and inclusive. 

Anyway, this RPG game is meant to simulate the show, not just the mecka combat, but also the interpersonal relationships.  Successful encounters in both fields will net you experience points, so scoring with that idol singer or that oddly flat-chested lounge singer is important to your Character too.  Don’t worry though, blowing up aliens is your main job, and you’ll have everything from chainguns firing trans-uranic slugs to fricking Proto-Warhead armed missiles b*tch!

This game runs gamut of all three eras of Robomeck.  There’s Space War I, where giant aliens come to earth and blast the beegeezus out of it.  On board the valiant SDC-1 transforming battleship, you shove it right back down their throats with your iconic Deva fighter.  Can you sing and kiss your way to victory over these socially awkward aliens? 

Twenty years later in Space War II, the giant homeships of the Overlords show up in earth orbit.  Where’s your damn defense fleet?  It’s on the other side of the galaxy for some reason and you’re screwed!  Roll out your Legionnaire Tank and fight it out, because defeat isn’t an option . . . until a couple of years later when these f-ing space crustaceans and their b*tch mom show up and wipe out all armed resistance in like the first 10 seconds of their intro episode.  Oh, now the fleet shows up in Space War III, years later, great, and they get their asses kicked.  However, these mighty interstellar crabs and lobsters seem to be vulnerable to small rag-tag rebel groups.  So, you and your kid mascot go mount up your Delta fighter and blow up some Hive Mounds.  Yeah!

This game not only assumes you’ve watched the show multiple times, but are in fact an expert on the canon, like me.  There’s no need for any tedious recaps and background information on the series (and let’s just hope we’re still skirting the edge of any copyright infringements).  Anything you don’t understand, don’t worry about it.  Shoot, the true Zen of this show is embracing all of the inconsistencies and incompatibilities of the material and running with it anyway.  Go ahead and make up your own backstories.  It’ll piss off all those so-called “true” fans.  Screw ‘em!


Unfortunately, the rest of this presentation will be a bit drier, such is the nature of writing game rules.  (Maybe I shouldn’t have written this intro out last and done the whole thing in this style.  Naw, that’d get tedious 20 pages in and be exhausting to write.)  After the Character generation rules and game rules, the mecka stats are a bit more interesting in places.  There is widely varying commentary on the mecka and the aliens.  So, pick and era, roll up a Character, and have some fun.

          Generation and Stats                            
          Mecka Pilot Class                                 
          Support Characters                              
                   Personality/Tech Officer-Hacker                                 
                   Rebel Sympathizer-Connection/Police Officer-Detective               
                   Scientist/Commanding Officer                  
Game Rules
          Personal Combat                                  
                   Gun Combat                               
                   Saving Throws, Recovery            
                   Fortune and Experience Points and Skills                                         
          Mecka Combat                                     
                   MAC, MHP, MD and Sequence, Initiative                    
                   Missiles, Ranges, Speed, HTH      
          Social Interaction                                
                   Appeal Rolls                              

          Space War I                                       
                   Earth Mecka Defense Force: Devas                                          
                   Battlemecks and other Craft        
                   EMDF Troops (and Thugs)          
Zee Mecka and other Craft                                   

          Space War II
                   Army of the North Star:  Legionnaires, Invaders, Hornets        
                   Battlers and other Craft and ANS Troops              
                   Overlords and Biomecks             
                   Other Overlord Craft and Clone Troops                            

          Space War III
                   Earth Expeditionary Force           
                   Deltas and Omegas                    
                   The Hive                                   
Hive Mecka                               
Other Hive Craft and Hive Humanoids                        


Robotech is the copyrighted property of Harmony Gold.  This is an unofficial, unauthorized game based on that property.  It is a non-profit making, purely entertainment product for fans of the show and falls under the definition of “Fair Use” under US copyright laws. 


Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of the Open Game

License Version 1.0a (OGL).

This entire work, Robomeck, is designated as Open Game Content under the OGL.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas
Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Robomeck, Copyright 2019 Jerry Harris


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