Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Artifacts: Pictures from Aunt Judy

My Aunt Judy sent me some old pictures in a card for my birthday.  I thought I'd share them here.

Here's my mom playing the piano.  Look at that phone in the background.

 Here's grandma and grandpa and their daughters standing in front of their storm cellar.

The family cars and the dog on the right.

Mom and Aunt Judy with their brother's new car.

Christmas 1957.  There's that phone again.  Aunt Judy's note on the back says, "I think it looks like Pat got more than I did.  Ha." 

Grandpa would go out and cut down a Christmas tree out in the woods.

Front porch of their old house.  "Loved swinging and watching for boyfriends to drive by."
 Another shot with the cellar in the background.  "Pat was first one in the cellar.  Daddy would disconnect the telephone line and he and our dog would come last."
Mom out on a summer day.

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