Wednesday, September 18, 2024

NM State Aggies vs Abilene Christian Wildcats Volleyball 9-13-24

The first match I went to today didn’t take 90 minutes.  I’m not sure if the second one even took that long.  I was going to be waiting for a while for the 7:00pm match between the Aggies and the Abilene Christian Wildcats.


I wasn’t hungry after lunch, but I was thirsty.  I made the mistake of going over to McDonald’s.  I think it took about 20 minutes to get a smoothie.  I should have gone to the concessions.  Thankfully, I didn’t have my heart set on ice cream.  They’ve taken the McFlurry off the menu and the machine has a permanent-looking out-of-order sign on it.  They’ve given up on ever getting it fixed.  Civilization has fallen.  I also went over to the Toucan Market and bought some fruit.  (They looked like they needed the business.)


I still had plenty of time.  I called dad.  He questioned me staying over at the Pan-Am Center all day.  I should have listened to him.  The crowd for the match still seemed a bit light.  Arizona players were up in the stands.  They were probably waiting for dinner.  Aggie Grad Assistant, Lia Mosher, had changed clothes and her hairstyle from this afternoon.  She had a talk with the team’s middle blockers and Aleka Darko.


Local player and new freshman, Tess Fuqua, was on the bench, injured.  Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten to see her play.  She still attracts attention on the sidelines with her long, silky, shiny, golden brown hair.  Tess turned around and smiled and waved to her family seated behind the bench.  Assistant Coach Whitis said something to her that made her laugh.  He seems to be tough, but keeps things loose. 


During serving practice, Coach Whitis stood in the middle of the court and made Lia join him there as the balls were flying around.  I don’t know if the goal was to hit them or not hit them.  During hitting practice, our other local player, Maggie Lightheart (our sweetheart), slapped the net hard on a swing.  She put her hand to her mouth in mortified embarrassment.      


The ballgirls, working their fourth game of the day, were still energetic.  They held hands and skipped over to their stations.  PA Ed Carnathan was working this game.  I think a student was working the other games.  A different Pistol Pete than this morning was here, along with the Cheerleaders.  The Aggie girls tossed autographed souvenir balls to the crowd during introductions.  Kacia Brown tossed one to a little girl in a dress, who jumped up and down in joy.  Yasso Amin tossed hers to one of the ballgirls.


Set 1

Both teams seemed a little tight and started off with some errors.  The Aggies did build up a 6-2 lead with kills by Starr Williams and Kacia.  Mari Sharp put in an ace.  On another play, she bloodied her elbow and there was a stoppage to bandage it up.  Coach Jordan was more animated in this match.  He called for a challenge after a long, insane rally.  It might have been mostly to give the girls a blow, but the call was overturned and the Aggies led, 8-3.


Nelle Reese was the starting setter.  Claudia Rossi, who was not in the previous game, rotated in for her.  (I’m still confusing the two at times because of their similar looks.)  Rilen Garcia might have been in the Coach’s doghouse for a misplay in the last game.  Nelle sat by the Coach for additional instruction after she came out.


Nicole Briggs and Ashley Herman combined on a block to make it, 12-6 Aggies.  Nicole was all fired up.  AC took a timeout.  There was a near drop of a Cheerleader in the break by the guy trying to hold her up left her up on his hands.  Scary.  As always, the Cheerleader got up, smiled, and finished the routine. 


13-9 Aggies was another long rally.  The Wildcats took that point.  Mari had a pancake save and AC made a save out-of-bounds.  Nicole had a stuff at 15-9, but AC came back with an overpass dunk.  Darian Markham aced at 17-10.  Both teams exchanged service errors a couple of points later.  Yasso had a kill at 20-12 Aggies.  She came up to serve and, with her high-toss, Brazilian jump serve, literally knocked down the receiver.  The girl did manage to return it.  It happened again on the next point, too.


AC was happy to side out Yasso and went on a four-point run.  Coach Jordan called a timeout and was pissed, though he didn’t actually talk to the team in the huddle.  Rilen did come in to set.  Claudia sat down beside the Coach for a talk.  Nelle finished the set with an ace, 25-17 Aggies.


Set 2: Aggies 1, Wildcats 0

Arizona left by this point.  The AC Coach challenged the first point of the set, after mixed calls by the officials, but it was upheld.  Nelle put in an ace to make it, 2-0 Aggies.  Yasso put a shot into the open court for a 5-3 lead, but then had a service error.  The Coach threw up his hands.  Yasso came back with a kill by tooling a block to make it 8-5. 


Makayla Martinez came in for the first time to serve.  She took a fearless dive into a sideline table going after a ball.  Makayla is a very plucky defender.  AC challenged a block successfully and adjusted the score to 8-8.  After they took the lead on the next point, the Aggies took a timeout.


The score remained knotted until Mari put the Aggies up 12-11.  The score remained close.  AC even got in a setter dump.  19-16 Aggies, Ashley made a kill that AC nearly saved way off the court.  AC timeout.  The Aggies made it to 20 on a busted confused play that Mari finished with an overpass.  After Kacia pounded another overpass, AC took another timeout. 


I think the Women’s Basketball team was in attendance.  I think I saw Ryleigh Whitekettle get a cup of water for Molly Kaiser, who’s coming back for another season.  The Aggies finished the set with a seven-point run.  Makayla was on serve for it and had an ace.  25-16 Aggies.


Set 3: Aggies 2, Wildcats 0

Nicole ran up the stairs with the trainer between sets.  Her teammates looked concerned, but Nicole came back fine.  (Can women not go to the bathroom alone?)  PA Ed shouted out, “Show us your boobs!”  Wait.  I misheard that.  He said, “Show us your moves!”  I was getting ready to flash the crowd.  Even better than that show would have been, it was Dance Cam, featuring Pedro the baby raccoon.  Cute beyond words.  A smiling Pistol Pete came by to rally the crowd.


The Aggies started off with the lead, but after a couple of attack errors and a block, it was tied at 6.  Mari fired a facial into Izabelle Larson to tie it at 7.  Izzy just smiled after that shot.  The score remained close.  Aleka Darko came in and missed a block.  The Coach started rubbing his eyes.  13-12 Aggies was a replayed point.  The up official accidently interfered. 


Izzy hit a kill to tie it at 13.  “Boom!” said PA Ed, as Yasso tied it at 14.  15-14 Aggies was the Media timeout.  The video board ran an ad for Aggie Soccer and then showed some of the players in the crowd.  They were embarrassed.  (No, they weren’t.  They love attention.) 


Ashley got a kill out of the break, but it was overturned on a challenge.  Two service errors in a row tied the score.  AC took the lead on an out call, but the Coach challenged and Mari got the touch on the kill to put the Aggies up, 18-17.  “Boom!  Starr Williams!” shouted PA Ed, after a big kill.  AC took a timeout.  Darian ran to the huddle, “Yes!  Let’s go!” 


Starr had another kill.  Yasso served up another facial.  The Coach got a call overturned for another point.  Still, AC hung tough.  The Aggies called a timeout at 22-20 Aggies.  23-21 Aggies, Aleka and Yasso teamed up for a big block after a long rally.  The Coach nearly jumped out on the court to help.  However, the play was overturned on a challenge, 22-22. 


Alright.  Yasso came back with a kill.  Ash had a kill that was upheld on another challenge.  (This is why we watch sports: to see the officiating.)  But after an Aggie service error and a shot wide, we were tied at 24.  The Coach took a timeout and gave the team an angry motivational speech.  (I have no idea what he said.  I was on the other side of the court.)  Whatever the Coach said, Mari was listening.  She finished off the match with a pair of kills to win it, 26-24 and 3-0.


Mari was all smiles afterward.  She’d earned it.  Her and Yasso Amin led the scoring with 12 kills and Starr Williams had 10.  Three Aggies were in double digits in digs.    Bryley Steinhiber led the Wildcats with 11.  The Aggies led in all the stats, except blocks (6 to 2).  That seems like a problem.


I was all smiles, too.  My very long day with Volleyball was over.  We still had another match ***tomorrow,*** but let’s get in some sleep first.

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