Friday, November 19, 2021

Sketch Dump: The Asia Notebook 18: Ilya, Imagine FX, and others

Here's some Ilya Kuvshinov sketches from Imagine FX.  These just kind of suck and the coloring is suspect.  I'd messed up the head on the one on the right and had to re-ink it, thus explaining the background shading to cover it.

There's one of Spider-Gwen on the left.  That's another Ilya sketch on the right.  It was a black and white sketch, and unfortunately I was left to my own devices on the coloring.  I don't know what I was thinking.

That's Twitch DJ Jessu on the left.  She's not cross-eyed in real life.  Argh!  That's an Imagine FX sketch to the right.  

These next two are some quick sketch pages.  The three to the left are of Snow White from Fables.  That's Minmei in the top right.  That's Nova Satori on the bottom center, and a model on the bottom right.

There's the Joker's new girlfriend, Punchline, on the bottom left.  That's Death on the top middle and streamer Avori on the bottom.  The top left and right are from Imagine FX, and that's a model on the bottom right.

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