Friday, November 26, 2021

Sketch Dump: The Asia Notebook 20: Various

This last post is a bit of a grab bag.  On the left is Mexican news broadcaster, Lucero Alvarez.  She is absolutely one of the most vivacious women I've ever seen.  My drawing isn't even close.  The pencil sketch is of  Minerva Borjas.  She hosted a baby care show on a Spanish language PBS show.  Oh, I loved that show, though I doubt I picked up a single child care tip.  That sketch actually looks like her.     

There's a pirate girl from an Imagine FX painting on the left.  I ruined it in the inking.  There's Twitch singer and DJ, Hana, on the right.  I also ruined that one in the inking.  One might wonder why I keep trying to ink.  Actually, I think it's helped my penciling a bit.  

Here's an Instagram model a co-worker had downloaded a picture of.  I couldn't resist taking a shot at drawing her.

Here's a model from a clothing ad.  She's absolutely stunning in the photo.  The sketch is sort of okay.

Lastly, that's former co-worker on the left. and actress, Emily Van Camp, on the right.  It's probably not quite anatomically right, but looks nice.

That's it for this sketchbook.  It's up and down in quality.  On some level, that's an improvement.  I'm still drawing and will post some more when I'm finished with my current sketchbook.

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