Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fantasy Core RPG--Divine Magic-Casting

Fantasy Core RPG
(c) Jerry Harris, 2013
Published here as Open Game Content.

Divine Spellcasting

The divine tradition is hereditary, as opposed to scholarly, like the arcane tradition. However, it may skip several generations and may require both parents to possess the gene for it to reappear. The Ancients or Antediluvians (whoever preceded the current generation) may have committed these type of spells into their genes, instead of parchment like arcane spells. Alternatively, it may genuinely be a divine gift, bestowed for inscrutable purposes. (This depends upon your game world.)

Generally, the two traditions are mutually exclusive. There are exceptions such as witches, witch doctors, shamen, gypsies, and fallen paladins. These groups are sensitive to the divine tradition, but then schooled in the arcane one, albeit in a limited sense. It would seem though that someone without the divine ability, won’t be able to acquire those abilities through any sort of study.

The divine spellcaster still must be schooled in the use of their powers. Otherwise, they are unable to use it at will and to its full potential. The divine tradition has all been passed down orally. None of it is written, as the divine is accessed mostly intuitively. However, they are just as well skilled in their own way as wizards. Abilities are enacted with words and gestures, but these are actually only mnemonics to reinforce the mental procedure. The actions are personal and have meaning only to the individual caster. Divine spells can only seem to access very specific abilities. Whether this is an intrinsic limitation or merely a tradition is unknown.

Paladin Class

Divine Magic Training
Circle of Elders

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