Monday, February 25, 2013

Fantasy Core RPG--Divine Magic-Circle of Elders

Fantasy Core RPG
(c) Jerry Harris, 2013
Published here as Open Game Content.

The Circle of Elders

To enter the Circle, as a leader and trainer of paladins, the individual actually must be an exemplar in faith and behavior. They still must have high-level paladin abilities and a resume of accomplishments and deeds, so that they are respected as a person and a warrior.

The Circle has two basic tasks. One, to marshal their resources (paladins) to combat supernatural evil in the kingdom (or anywhere, if needed). Two, to train new recruits at the Academy. Their true ability in that realm is not to teach a candidate divine or martial powers, but rather to judge their suitability to being a warrior against supernatural evil. It is better to washout and reassign someone with great potential divine powers than to send them into combat with weak will and motivation.

Certainly there are petty politics and personal disputes, but unless an Elder has fallen into heresy, the Circle is fully committed to their task to the point of sacrificing their own lives in the field. There are no “armchair” generals in the Circle. Even retired members will volunteer when needed if they are still able to fight.

The Circle of Elders and the Wizard Council do not like or trust on another (while lower level paladins and wizards actually might). The wizards are fully aware that one of the main functions of the Circle is as a safeguard against them ever outright seizing political power. Both groups are aware that the crown plays both sides off each other, fearing their powers. Thankfully, all three groups are mostly focused on their own areas of authority without too much drama.

Divine Magic Training
Divine Magic Casting

This is as good a place as any to mention that I’ve modified several of the classes. While stating out an adventure (which I plan on posting when it’s done), I discovered some game-breaking mechanics that needed to be fixed. (And you wondered why I haven’t made a PDF yet.)

Game Index (Also the Open Game Content line takes you back to the index)

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