Thursday, November 21, 2013

CYBER-PULP FANTASY CORE-Humanity, Humans, Elves

© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)
Humans, Demi-humans (Elves, Dwarves, etc), and Humanoids (Orcs, Goblins, etc) comprise the races of Humanity and are scattered unevenly across the globe.  Science, mythology, and religion all unanimously support the theory that the races all had a common ancestor though there is complete disagreement on the details.  So far, nothing has been proven definitively.  Some countries and regions are dominated by a single race.  Others are mixed in unequal qualities.  Racism and prejudice exist, but as in the Real World, it is societally and internationally unacceptable for it to be legally institutionalized. 

You may wish to have certain non-human races stand in for various nationalities, human races, religions, or other groups.  It’s up to you, but no association should be absolute.  The race descriptions that follow are really broad-brush strokes.  There should always be plenty of exceptions, just like the Real World. The races of Humanity are usually more loyal to nations, causes, religions, political parties, and such than to genetics.

Humans are the most numerous and have spread out the most, as they breed quickly.  They embraced technology and abandoned magic first and have ridden that advantage into preeminence.  Humans are also the most fractured racial group and will fight one another (in whatever arena of conflict) even more readily than any other race.  Individuals are generally more self-interested than racially motivated, and humans as a whole are not wedded to any racial cause.

Elves are very long-lived, but have chronic infertility issues from their magical nature, so they are the smallest of the major races of Humanity.  Their nature also inhibits true cloning and cyber implants.  They held on to the Old Ways the longest and still haven’t fully embraced the Modern.  While their workings of magic once made them the most powerful race, they now sit mostly in the shadows.  Their old wealth, lengthy experience, and tremendous influence still commands respect however.  Courtly intrigues, even in this day and age, means that the Elves are always undermining themselves, but they will come together to defend their elite status quo. 

Full Elves cannot accept artificial implants or be cloned successfully, which is why Elves aren’t a character class in the game.  Their kin races, Pixies, Drow, Halflings, and Half-Elves, can.  Half-Elves are more magical and live longer than Humans, but all of their offspring are Human.  A Pixie is the highly magical offspring of an Elf and a Human with magical abilities.  They also only produce Human offspring.  Proper Elvish society marginally accepts Half-Elves and Pixies.  Their status was upgraded considerably by the appearance of the Drow.  Halflings and Drow will be discussed later.

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