Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fantasy Core Ireland--Adventure Part 5

(c) Jerry Harris, 2012
Published here as Open Game Content.

Adventure Index

The Trial (1 XP if the characters take control of the trial on their own initiative):

The characters should presumably return to the inn for a meal and some rest. In the morning, the place is abuzz. The feud has been called off, for now, though there is a suspicion that the Orcs may be in league with the O’Gradys somehow (which is false). There is a general sentiment that Tir Crannog is the source of the Orcs and that it needs to be dealt with, someday. Currently, nobody is willing raid the haunted fort.

Sean Robins comes in and announces that Mara Keening is being tried by Nialls Kavanagh as a witch. He apparently thinks she is behind the Black Mist and that she is in league with the Orcs. If the characters don’t volunteer themselves to go, Sean will mention that Nialls wants to see them there.

At the Kavanagh estate in the grand hall, an excited crowd of clan members has gathered. Nialls sits on an elevated platform with his son, Fergus, standing beside him. Mara is loosely bound at the hands before them. Nialls reluctantly reads the charge of malevolent witchcraft (take note, beneficial witchcraft and magic are not illegal here) and aiding the enemies of the Kavanagh clan. He asks for evidence to be presented. Fergus, with malice (and this is because Mara has spurned his affections as well), relates that Mara is well known as a witch in the county. He then holds out an ornate cloak, which he presents as Mara’s, having been bought by her deceased husband Jack in Dublin. An unidentified woman, who was with the Orc raiders last night, lost this cloak during the attack on the estate. “What more evidence need be?”

Nialls turns to the characters and thanks them for their efforts last night. He has been told that they were at Mara’s house last night during the attack. He asks them, as agents of the high-king, if she was there and what they saw. It’s up to the players to then relate their tale. After hearing them out, Nialls, clearly pained, turns to Mara, “Mara, dear girl, what do you say?” She will admit that that is her cloak and that she lost it while gathering herbs around the lake last week. She will maintain that she was at home the entire time during the Orc attack and that she was hiding from them. Mara will clearly state that she would never betray the kindness of Kavanaghs.

Fergus steps in. “Those cowardly Orcs never would have been so brazen without their new devilry. Who else could have made it? Who else is implicated? We must stop the witch to stop the witchcraft!” The crowd seems to agree with him. With reluctance, Nialls stands and announces, “Mara, you treated myself and the men last night and have done many good services for the Kavanaghs, but if you have nothing else to say for yourself, I cannot ignore the evidence. Mara Keening. . . You are . . . (he shakes his head) cast from the clan.” The crowd jeers and Fergus is enraged (since they want her put to death), but Nialls shouts over them, “You are to be shunned from here on in this county. Your future would be best served elsewhere. Be gone!” He turns and leaves with Fergus going after him. A sobbing Mara is lead from the angry crowd under guard and taken away to her home. (She will not want to speak to the characters afterward.)

[Sidebar: These are the events that occur if the characters only give testimony. As the high-king’s agents, the characters do have authority to actually adjudicate this matter as they see fit, but they will have to stand up and seize that authority. Nialls will let them have it, because he actually thinks very highly of Mara and can’t believe she’d betray him. Mara may appeal to character’s authority if they’ve had good relations. The rest of the clan, and Fergus especially, will not like the characters taking charge in a family matter and this may have future consequences. Regardless of what happens in the trial, Mara will at best be under a high degree of suspicion unless she is exonerated.]

The characters are then called for by Nialls by a warrior and lead to his chamber. Fergus comes storming out, glares at the characters, and stomps off. The characters are brought inside. Nialls thanks them for their efforts last night, and if they were successful, he also gives them 5 gp apiece and apologizes for not being able to reward them better. (“Cursed O’Gradys, running me into ruin.”) He tells them flatly that he does not believe Mara was responsible for the Black Mist, but had to try her. He is certain that in the coming days he’ll be proven right, but only after a greater loss of life and property. “If ye are truly here to keep the peace, find the maker this evil brew and deal with them. Because I will not be able to control what happens next if there is another attack.” (The characters are already on Nialls good side. Clearing Mara will put them pretty securely. However, then Connor O’Grady will think that they are favoring the Kavanaghs and will not helpful with future problems. Continuing adventures here will be a balancing act.)

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