Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Artifacts: Robotech Maps

Fokker Base

 Invid Lab
 Macross City
 Macross Salvage Area
 Monument City
 Rocky Mt. Rebel Base

I briefly considered posting my Robotech RPG game rules based on the Palladium rules. A quick search on the Internet later, and I discovered that Palladium was still in business and publishing a Robotech game. Imagine my surprise. If it’s the same game I once had, it’s seriously broken, hence my adaptation. If they ever fold, I’m putting them up.

Let’s see what we have here. Fokker Base is loosely based on Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. The Rocky Mountain Rebel Base is distinctly Empire Strikes Back inspired. Monument City is based on my own hometown of Las Cruces, New Mexico. The Invid Lab is obviously somebody’s country house. Finally, the Macross City map is actually a subdivision map, copied over.

What’s great about Robotech is that you can reuse these maps for different eras. The Macross map can be used in the Zentraedi era as a ship, and later as a scary dungeon-like area under the mounds in the Masters and Invid eras. Monument City and Fokker Base are key areas against the Masters. After the war, I have these places ruled by a gang of well-armed Invid sympathizers.

I made an outline of a setting for the Invid Invasion era as well.  FOL is of course Flower of Life.  The EVE simulator is from Megazone 23 (and the ill-fated Robotech movie), I think.  Zee refers to Zentraedi.  This list also mixes in some stuff from the Sentinels, which would not strictly belong in the setting.  

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