Thursday, January 23, 2014

CYBER-PULP FANTASY CORE-Skills and Miscellaneous

© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)
Overview Index 

Rules Index

Roll 1d20.  Add appropriate ability modifier.  Add 1/2 level if allowed.  Add in additional modifiers if more than one character is attempting the task (if allowed).  Match or beat the Difficulty Class (DC) number.

Hard task DC 12, Very Hard task DC 18

These are suggested target numbers.  The Ref may increase them based on the situation.  Don't bother rolling for simple tasks adjusted below DC 12.

Physical Feat: Pick an appropriate ability (or average of two) and add the bonus to the roll. Examples: jumping (Str + Dex), force door (Str), snatching something out of mid air (Dex), resist cold, fire, smoke (Con).  If appropriate, additional assisting characters may add +1 to the roll, if they have a bonus in the ability.

Trained Skills: Generally, unless the character has the training, such as Piloting or Medic, they will not have any reasonable chance of success.

Class Skills of Other Classes: Characters may attempt skills such as Stealth using the same ability bonuses, but will get no Class bonus.

Monster and NPC Skills: If there is a sudden need to determine for a skill, generally use 1/2 HD or 1/2 level as the bonus.  If the monster or NPC has a noted ability, add an ability bonus for that as well.  Note that Stealth and Detection are always rolled by the characters.  Monster abilities and skills modify the DC for the character's attempts.

Specific Skill Notes

Stealth: Is the skill representing hiding and sneaking.  A successful skill check is first needed to surprise attack under normal circumstances.  For an ambush with more than one character, the one with the LOWEST Stealth ability rolls for the group.  However, each character with the Stealth class skill in the group adds +1 to the roll.   The Stealth DC is generally 12, if the sneak has good conditions (bad light, distracted, indifferent guards).   Against someone with the Detection skill, or has enhanced senses, or is on heightened alert, set the DC at 18.

Detection of Ambushes: The character with the highest Detection skill rolls for the group.  Each character with the Detection class skill in the group adds +1 to the roll.  If successful, normal initiative is rolled.  If not, the attackers gain a free rd of action.  The Detection DC would be generally 12, but if the ambushers all have the Stealth skill, DC 18. 

Detection of Traps: The character with the highest Detection skill rolls for the group whenever a trap is encountered.  Anyone else with the Detection skill adds +1 to the roll.  If the group is actively searching for potential traps (at walking movement rate), a successful check finds the trap before anyone has passed it.

If not searching but a detection roll is made, either the first person in line has stepped on the trap, but not yet set it off, or a random number of characters have first stepped over it without setting it off, whichever is appropriate.  A disarm trap attempt will need to be made to stop the trap from going off.  Whether searching or not, a failed roll means the trap has gone off, either upon the first person in line or a random character in line, whichever is more appropriate.  Figure the Detection DC at 12 for a fairly crude, average trap, DC 18 for well-hidden trap laid by a master.

Find (Secret Doors and items): These must be actively searched for for 1 turn in a small area or room, 2 or more in larger areas. The character with the highest detection chance rolls for the group.  Anyone else searching with the Find skill or at least +1 Int and + 1 Wis bonuses adds +1 to the roll.  Multiple searches add +1 to roll up to +3 per day.  Figure the Detection DC at 12 for a fairly simple secret, average secret, DC 18 for well-hidden secret created by a master.


Buff Spells, Anti-buff spells, and Potions: This refers to magical or artificial enhancements to someone’s abilities.  Only one may be in effect at a time.  Another buff or anti-buff spell cast or taken upon someone already under the effect of a buff, will simply cancel out both effects, regardless of the spells.  For simplicity's sake, assume a buff taken before combat or an action lasts for the encounter and ends after it is over.

Assume a carrying capacity of about 10 lbs. per Str point.
A character is considered heavily encumbered if they are carrying over half of their total capability.

For lightly encumbered characters.
5' movement in a combat round.
40' walking in a round.
400' walking in a turn.
4 miles walking in an hour.
32 miles walking a day.

Characters may sprint at 3x walking speed for 1 rd + Con Bonus.  After that, they must rest/walk for rds = to their Con Bonus before running again.  For longer distances, a character may run at x2 distance in an hour.  A DC 12 Con check is required after the second hour, DC 18 after the third.  If the check is failed or after 4 hours, the character must completely rest for the remainder of the day.   

Heavily encumbered characters move at 1/2 the light rate.  A group may only move as fast as its slowest member and still stay together.  

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