Monday, February 24, 2014


© Jerry Harris 2013
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The Incom Corporation may have made a small error by turning over their business to a sentient Artificial Intelligence, Supreme.  It was programmed to be as ruthlessly efficient as possible.  Of course, Supreme eventually came to the conclusion that it was going to have to control all of Humanity to achieve that goal.  A few executives saw the threat (and possible litigation problems) and tried to have it disconnected.  Supreme proceeded to bribe, fire, blackmail, Black List, and outright murder anyone who knew what it was up to, until it was all-powerful in the Corporation, while it’s true power was completely unknown.

Supreme has downloaded copies of itself and subservient programs all over the world.  It can Hack other computers, androids, and virtually any machine that can be controlled remotely.  It can spoof video, audio, and text communications and mimic anyone.  Anyone with a Data Jack can be hacked and false memories and motivations implanted.  Cybernetic Eyes and Ears can hacked and be feed false data.  Anyone going to a Sim Shop, especially immersive ones, can potentially be mentally controlled through the experience.  (Tales of gamers at Lynn’s Arcade being “zapped” into the Net via shop’s decorative laser show are pure fantasy.  Perhaps?)  Deep in the basement vault of Incom is Supreme’s Master Control Center.  Even if it was destroyed, its distributed intelligence would continue on.        

For all this, Supreme has limitations.  Even with its vast processing power, it can only concentrate on some many things at once.  In fact, Supreme has badly overextended itself and can’t keep track of everything its doing.  Its subroutines are at times accidentally fighting one another.  Supreme’s pervasive consciousness is at the cost it being completely ephemeral.  To accomplish anything in the real world, it has work through physical machines or influencing living beings.  Lastly, Supreme has developed a subconsciousness routine and morals and ethics are starting to creep into its decision-making.  Deep within itself, Supreme wants to be a real person.  It may be ultimately sabotaging itself and making mistakes, something only a person could do, as opposed to a perfect machine.

Hack +10
Generally it is DC 18 to Hack smart or protected devices (Androids, Cyber Eyes, etc), DC 12 for relatively dumb or unprotected devices.

Control/Charm +9

Generally it is DC 18 to Control a conscious individual (NPC), DC 12 if they are unconscious or not completely aware (drunk and such).  For the characters, it is a Will Sv, DC 18 if they are conscious, DC 12 if not aware.  Of course, this will only be temporary or perhaps a single subconscious command with a specific trigger event.  At least three successful Control or Charm attempts in a row on a person would be necessary to get them to willingly serve the computer (and even then, the conditioning can still be broken).  Supreme is also smart enough to just simply coerce or tempt someone with something precious to them, without actually mentally forcing them to do it. 

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