Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mike's Southwest Travels: Index

Somewhere in 2006, my friend and co-worker Mike took up caving (spelunking) and hiking outdoors.  He took a lot of pictures and told everyone stories about his adventures.  At around the same time, I was experimenting with HTML and website design (spoiler: that didn't amount to anything).  Wanting some content to work with, I asked him for the pictures and embellished upon his tales with my own prose.  (Basically everything he told me, I wrote, so I wasn't making stuff up.)

The website I made up, after several tries, actually didn't look too bad (unlike this presentation, which is going to be severely functional).  The only problem was that I had nowhere to host it.  Eventually, I forgot I'd done it.  Last month, I was on a hike to Dripping Springs with my dad and his friend, Joe.  He'd asked about other places to hike in the area and I suddenly remembered this project.  It then occurred to me that I could post it here.  (Better late than never, I guess.)        

When I told Mike about my intentions, he grunted something that sounded affirmative, which I will interpret as consent.  So here we go.  (Sorry about some of the formatting.  Blogger was acting up badly.  I gave up on fixing it.)

Aguirre Springs
Bishop's Cap
Carlsbad Caverns
* Main Cave 1
* Main Cave 2
* Lower Caves
* White Giant
Dripping Springs
* First Trip
*Second Trip
* Third Trip
* Fourth Trip
* Fifth Trip
Leasburg Park
Lucero Ranch
Sitting Bull Falls
McKittrick Canyon
Modoc Mine
Organ Mts.
Ruby Mine
Smith Springs
Slaughter Canyon

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