Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dark Continent Redux: Asylum

Dark Continent Redux
A Fantasy Core Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2016
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Playtest Rules.)

1 XP for running off The Fool AND not killing anyone else.
-1 XP for killing anyone other than the Fool.

News travels fast in these parts.  When the Characters come down to the bar for breakfast, the other patrons stand and applaud them.  They’ve heard that they defended Kurtz’s fiancée from native assassins (and hopefully succeeded, otherwise the congratulations will be a bit muted).  Everyone wants to hear about it and, of course, the meal is on the house. 

The Baron arrives to similar accolades, which he gracefully accepts.  As the group gathers in a secluded alcove, the Baron becomes more serious.  He had heard the tales of the so-called Demon Host, human-ish creatures with supernatural powers that were aiding the uprising, but hadn’t believed them.  The disturbing thing is that he recognized the two beings from last night.  They had been explorers recruited by Kurtz for his expedition to the Forbidden City

As the Intended had mentioned, there’s another former member of that expedition in the city, but has been committed to the insane asylum.  “He was put there because he was acting like a lunatic.  He kept telling people that Kurtz was behind the native rebellion.”  The Baron is still working on acquiring their travel papers, which has been greatly aided by their heroics last night and a recommendation from Mrs. Kurtz (once again, really hoping they saved her).  He has a meeting here this morning with an official.  In the meantime, perhaps the Characters would like to meet the “mad Mr. Frederick Codus?” 

The Baron lends the group his carriage to take them to the outskirts of town.  He’s already spoken to Codus, and what he heard convinced him to enter into this conspiracy that he and Characters have joined (and also that the Intended, must not be allowed to speak to him).  The caretakers are surprised that anyone would be asking to speak to Codus, but will let the Characters in (ahem, for a small gratuity).  After being relieved of their exposed weapons (for the patients’ safety), they are brought to a dayroom with other inmates with various forms of mental illness.  They are fingerpainting, molding clay, staring at the walls, etc.  Codus is brought in, wearing a straitjacket, and seated at a table with the Characters.   
“I knew you were coming,” is the first thing he says to them.  “Been watching you.  Saw you on the ship.  Saw you at the hotel.  Saw you with Kurtz’s wife.”  How?  “I got eyes everywhere, man.  I can see it all.  That’s why Kurtz sent me back here.  To see what you people here were plotting against him.  Him and his plan.  Are you people really the best they could send against him?”  If the Characters have long history of adventuring, feel free to have Codus remind them of some of their more ignominious moments.  “I call myself, ‘The Fool,’ but those who plot against Kurtz are the real fools.” 
Let the Characters ask whatever questions they want and divulge whatever seems interesting.  Kurtz is running the rebellion from the Forbidden City.  He “enlightened” the members of his expedition and they became his “Demon Host,” using their gifts to aid the great man and his plan.  What’s the plan?  “He’s going to transcend humanity, man.  And he’s going to take those loyal to him with him.  Nobody’s going to be fighting him.  You’re going to all want to join him.” 

[In reality, “The Plan” is nothing more than the whimsical, insane desires of a power-mad and extremely powerful wizard, who’s completely lost his mind.  Hey, let’s possess my crew with demons.  Let’s do the same to my native followers.  Let’s evolve some apes today.  Let’s make everyone undead.  Hey, let’s bring up a demon lord from the pit!  There’s no plan, just meticulously executed schemes, calculated to lash out at all humanity.]       

At some point, the Characters should have enough of this sycophantic jerk off.  “I didn’t say you could go.  You haven’t even spoken to Mr. Jacks.  He’s hurt that you’ve been ignoring him all this time.”  Whoever asks about Mr. Jacks, gets to meet him.  The Fool’s invisible friend materializes and attacks.  Meanwhile, the 10 mind-controlled staff and inmates in the room move to surround and attack the Characters (AC 10, Hp 6, To Hit +0, All Saves +0, 0 damage).  They will attempt to swarm and grapple the Characters, picking out the weakest looking ones (like any wizards).  The Fool is still sitting in his straitjacket and laughing.  He won’t even bother using his powers until somebody hits him. 

Okay, the Characters mostly unarmed (assuming a couple of daggers have been snuck in), but have their magic.  However, killing these innocent possessed people would be a no-no.  They’re no real threat to the Characters, make that plainly apparent.  Killing the Fool, on the other hand, is to be encouraged (though he’ll probably teleport first).  The others should just be getting in the way of doing that.  With the Fool out of the way, his minions fall unconscious.  They come around in a mild state of confusion soon enough.  The Characters can leave at that point and recover their weapons up front.            

The Fool
(5th level Psychic)
HD 5 (d6), Hp 20, AC 14 (Shield spell, blocks Magic Missiles),
Enhanced Init +4
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +9
Melee: None
Ranged: None
Special Defense: Detect Thoughts 50’, can’t sneak up on him.  Fearless.
Teleport Contingency: Upon being reduced to five or less hp (even 0), The Fool will call out Kurtz’s name and will teleport away on his turn.  His Hp will be healed for the next meeting.
Description: A very tattered, disheveled, scrawny creature.  He wears a wide-brimmed straw hat.

PSI Powers +7, Save Against 15, 3 cumulative failures in a turn/encounter
1ST-LEVEL PSI POWERS (DC 13 to cast)
Shield: Invisible disc gives + 4 to AC, blocks magic missiles. Encounter.
Summon Servant Spirit: HD 1 + ½ level, d8, Max hp, Attack 1d6 + ½ level damage, Save as Ftr level equal to HD, Lasts 1 turn/encounter, Int bonus x day.  Spirit is insubstantial and invisible, though it must become visible to attack and interact with the real world.
Mr. Jacks” HD 4, Hp 32, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1, Punch +4 to hit 1d6+3

2ND-LEVEL PSI POWERS (DC 14 to cast)
Psi-Mass Stun: Stuns 4 sentient entities for 1 rd.  (Will Sv)
Psi-Blast:  13 impact damage + Knocked down. (Will Sv all damage) Medium range.
Scare: Panics targeted creatures of less than 6 HD.  All non-allies in immediate area.  5 turns. (Will Sv)

3RD-LEVEL PSI POWERS (DC 15 to cast)
Greater Psi-Blast:  15 impact damage + Knocked down. (Will Sv all damage) Medium range.

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