A Fantasy Core Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2016
(This link will take you to the
Fantasy Core Playtest Rules.)
1 XP just for enduring this encounter.
Back at the hotel bar, the Baron will find their adventure
amusing and wished he’d been along. It
would have been better entertainment than the meeting he’s just had. The Baron’s managed to secure an audience for
them with an Interior Minister’s Sub-deputy, Mrs. Babbin. In spite of his
and Mrs. Kurtz’s influence, the bureaucracy is proving impenetrable. They must meet with this official themselves. She seems amenable to expediting the request,
but doesn’t seem to be fishing for a bribe.
In which case, the Characters’ services may be required for a favor to
the state. “At least I hope so. If it’s a personal favor and she wants sex,
you’ll really have to earn it.”
The Governor’s Palace
Complex is reached via a highly unnecessary and very expensive magic-driven
tramway going up to the plateau. [The
tram was mentioned in a deleted section of the Heat of Darkness manuscript.
Too cool to leave out.] With the
Baron vouchsafing for them, the Characters are issued Commonwealth seals at the
heavily guarded front gate (which will be recovered from them when they leave). All visitors, servants, and officials must
wear a seal on the outside of their clothes at all times, or be subject to
immediate arrest.

“Ah, well. No time
for group fantasies. You need an
Interior travel permit, as a ‘mercenary company,’ because otherwise traveling
around the Interior, heavily armed, and without papers, would mark the group as
a bunch of highwaymen and get you hanged.
You won’t be able to get in with a caravan, a ship, or into Central
Station or Inner Station without a permit.
If you all really wish to fight, you should all join the military and
get out and fight the uprising,” looks around the group, “No? Well then, these requests usually take a
couple of months. Good day.” And she goes back to paper shuffling.
I hope the Players can take the initiative at this point
(no, do not roll for Sense Motive). They should be asking, what can they do to
move the request along quicker. (Unless
they have some mind control ability, maybe a Charm Person spell. Of
course when it wears off, their permit will be revoked and they’ll have to do
this over again and provide sexual favors for Mrs. Babbin. She’s been very lonely since Mr. Babbin
passed away.) “Well, with a substantial
‘contribution’ to the Commonwealth employees’ retirement fund, say 5000gp,
perhaps your request will be processed quicker and you’ll only have to wait a
month for your permit.”
With an exasperated gasp from the Players, they should ask
if there’s anything they could do to get it even quicker. “Ah, now we’re down to brass tacks. Your reputation proceeds you here. There is a task, for which you may be
qualified, that would be a service to the Commonwealth,” she fills out and
signs a document and hands it to them, “It’s a bit dangerous though. Take this to the diamond quarry outside town
and present it and yourselves to commander there. He’ll tell you what needs to be done. Afterward, your request will be given a
special status and maybe we can all go for drinks this evening.” Mrs. Babbin winks.
[If the Players are angered by this encounter, you’ve done
it correctly. It’s a corrupt government
bureaucracy. Be grateful it wasn’t
worse. At least they’ll appreciate the
combat segments more.]
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