Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dark Continent Redux: His Intended

Dark Continent Redux
A Fantasy Core Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2016
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Playtest Rules.)

His Intended
1 XP for saving the Intended.  1 XP for saving the Dragon Bones.

Kurtz’s townhouse in Home Station is in the fashionable section of town, amongst other stately homes.  The Baron is a cousin of Kurtz’s fiancée, his “Intended.”  (Name her as you will.)  The Baron cautions the group to use the utmost discretion around her.  The Intended may be told that they are off to join him, but not their true mission or Kurtz’s current status.  “She does not know, but I think she suspects.”  They are there gain her favor, which will aid in replacing the group’s travel documents and also to gain some intelligence on Kurtz.  She was in constant contact with him until recently.

It is lavish two-story building.  There are 4 native servants scurrying about.    Inside, he introduces them to the Intended, Mrs. Kurtz.  She is a fine, elegant woman in the mold of a Jane Austen heroine, but obviously burdened with many troubles.  She demurs at being called Mrs. Kurtz as the wedding has not yet taken place.  The Characters are introduced as associates who have volunteered to join Kurtz in the field, immediately gaining her favor towards them.        

At dinner, the Intended will offer whatever help she can by way of information and influence.  She can give them some backstory.  Her and Mr. Kurtz (how she refers to him) had met long ago in the old country.  Later, Kurtz had made his fortune from finding the Dragon Boneyard.  He proposed to her and brought her to his station, a plantation deep in the Interior, south of Inner Station.  He always seemed very troubled and distracted.  It was something about the dragon bones.  He finally sent her away to Home Station, before finishing the estate house, before even the wedding.

Kurtz has provided for the Intended well, but has not personally come to visit in over a year.  She has several of Kurtz’s progressively insane letters that he wrote to her from the field, which have recently stopped coming.  He found, deep in the jungle, a “Forbidden City,” filled with strong magic power.  “He said he felt safe there.”  Soon after, the uprising started.  “He’s been fighting it, as everyone knows.”  She’s desperately worried about him.  All she has heard lately is that a member of his original expedition to the Forbidden City has returned to Home Station, but has been committed to the asylum.  “I should like to visit him, but the Baron says the man says such disturbing things about my beloved, that I should stay away.”  The Baron looks around at the Characters and nods.  She’s worried that even after the uprising is put down, Kurtz won’t send for her.  “Perhaps he has become too enamored of his jungle to ever leave it.”

It’s all too sad, and about to get worse as uninvited guests arrive.  Perhaps it was the appearance of the Characters or just coincidental timing, but Kurtz has ordered his townhouse raided.  He wants his bride-to-be and a large dragon bone in the basement.  There are two groups penetrating the house.  Demon Host Gas and 2 Native Warriors are tasked with snatching the Intended, while Rockman and a Witch Doctor will break into the basement vault.  The natives will fight to the death, but the Demon Hosts will not, either retreating or teleporting depending on their condition.

The butler is killed answering the door, as the two groups enter, but he’ll give out a scream.  Rockman and the Witch Doctor head immediately to the basement, as Gas and his warriors make for the dining room.  The Baron will protect his favorite cousin with his life (but don’t get him killed off, just knocked unconscious if brought to 0 hp).  The other 3 servants are also in the dining room with the group.  They love their sad, kind mistress and will defend her as useful distractions (AC 10, Hp 2, To Hit +0, All Saves +0, 1 damage).  The Intended does not fight and will pass out if grabbed.   

In 3 rds, the townhouse is rocked, as the basement vault is blown open.  The Baron will say that they must be after the dragon bone below.  The Witch Doctor will take the bone and run out of the house and disappear into the night 2 rds later.  Rockman will then assist in trying to take the Intended.  Their goal is to take the Intended, not fight it out with the Characters: just grab her and run.  They will simply retreat if the Characters are stalemating them from taking her (say 3 rds).  If the Intended is captured, give the party one, quick opportunity (2 rds) to rescue her outside, before she is lost in the night.  (If one of the Players says, “Shoot the hostage,” reach out and physically hit them.)  The Demon Hosts will also teleport if they take severe damage.      

Assuming the Intended is not captured, the Baron will insist that she move into the Governor’s Palace Complex with him.  (If she’s taken, we’ll see her again much later, but frankly, it would probably be better if she isn’t taken.  Give the Characters a good chance to save her.)  He will also mention that there have been several robberies lately of dragon bone artifacts in the city.  The Intended gives the party access to townhouses’ ruined vault, specifically each is given a magic weapon or armor (or better than the one they have) or a magic wand (Fireball or Lightning, 10 charges).  She also gives them her engagement ring and tells the party to give it to Kurtz.  He must return it to her himself if he still loves her.

Everyone will leave together to escort her and any servants to the Baron’s palace apartment and then carriage will take the Characters back to their hotel.  The Baron, somewhat shaken once he’s away from his cousin, thanks the group and says he’ll contact them in the morning at the hotel.

HD 5 (d12), Hp 60, AC 18* (Magic to hit, but see below)
Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +1
Melee: Double Bladed Sword +9 to hit 1d10+4
Ranged: Thrown Spinning Sword +5 to hit 2d10+4, M, returns when thrown
Special Weakness: Called Shot to the eyes, can be hit by normal weapons.  One eye destroyed -5 to Melee and Ranged To Hit.  Both eyes, blinded, To hit for Melee or Ranged goes to 0.  If blinded, will throw Sword when frustrated, upon any miss, sword hits him and he takes full damage.
Teleport Contingency: Upon being reduced to 10 or less hp or losing 1 eye, Rockman teleports away on his turn.  He will be fully healed for their next meeting.
Description: A man with rock-covered skin.

HD 5 (d6), Hp 20, AC 10* (Magic or fire to hit, See Below)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1
Melee: None
Ranged: Spew Gas +5 to hit, S, chose 1 type of gas attack or roll 1d4 
Sleep Gas: DC 12 Fort Sv or knocked out 1d4 rds.
Hallucinogenic Gas: DC 12 Fort Sv or confusion 1d4 rds (attack allies)
Corrosive Gas: DC 12 Fort Sv or 2d6 damage + -1 AC to worn non-magical armor.
Obscuring Gas: Everything disappears within C range, stunned 1 rd from coughing.
Special Defense: Gas can change to and from gaseous form at will, but cannot attack in that form.
Special Weakness: Gas is highly flammable and takes double damage from fire.  If 10 or more points of fire damage are taken in a single rd, Gas explodes for 2d6 damage to everyone in S range.  She reforms in 2 rds.            
Teleport Contingency: Upon being reduced to 5 or less hp or taking fire damage, Gas teleports away on her turn.  Her Hp will be healed for next meeting.
Description: A woman clothed in fog.  She somewhat reeks of methane, which should be a clue as to her fire vulnerability.

The Baron
+3 Dex, Int, Cha, +1 Str, Con, Wis,
HD 5 (d8), Hp 30, AC 16 (+1 Stylish Leather Vest), Enhanced Init +3
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Melee: 2 x attacks/rd +1 Rapier +9 to hit 1d6+4
Ranged: Pistol Bow +8 to hit 1d4 + Poison DC 12 Fort Sv or sleep 1 turn, S (4 darts)
+5 Detection (Traps, ambushes), Detection (Trapped items), Find (Secret doors and items)
+3 Stealth (Hiding, sneaking), Pick Locks, Escape Artist, Forgery, Pick Pockets, Disarm Traps
+5 Charm, Negotiate

[You may be wondering what Character Class the Baron is.  So am I.  The Baron has a colorful background.  Some sort of finesse Knight/Thief combo.  No, the Players can’t use it.]

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