Thursday, July 4, 2019

Robomeck RPG: Mecka Combat-Missiles, Ranges, Speed, HTH

Robomeck RPG Index

Additional Mecka Combat Rules

Combatants firing longer range weapons than their opponents have detection capabilities (and without any radar support) will always seem to attack without warning.  (Delta Black stealth fighters have some special rules attached to them as well.)  Mecka forces can also be hidden before combat action for an ambush (mecka cannot sneak and hide in combat), such as underwater, under dense brush, or mixed in among large amounts of debris.  Such forces may be able to attack from Surprise.  Detection and setting of ambushes are the same as in Personal Combat. 

Mecka Destruction
For mecka out of MHP (and Character and important NPC pilots out of FP and XP), their craft is destroyed.  For common opponents, the pilot is likely also killed with the destruction of their craft.  For Characters and other NPC’s, they can roll a Pilot Check.  With a roll of at least 12, the Character survives (ejects or some other means of escape), but are stunned for 1 rd.  If the roll is 18 or more, the mecka is actually crash-landed (or is still flight-worthy, but not combat capable) and is salvageable. 

This rule also applies to normal vehicles, cycles (including Typhoons in either cycle or battler modes), and even horses.  However, in this case, the vehicle is always ruined.  With a DC 12 Pilot Check, the driver (or passenger) survives, but is at 0 hp and knocked out for 1 hour (barring treatment).  If the roll is 18 or more, the driver or passenger is somehow only scratched and just stunned for 1 rd.  (Please apply some situational common sense to this very broad rule.  Actually, you can apply that maxim to just about every RPG rule.)     

A Character losing their mecka will face an inquiry with a senior officer and a JAG auditor (who will be hostile).  Am I going to have to pay for this?  (Never pass up an opportunity to make the Players squirm.)  One hopes that the Character’s squadron leader and wing mates will back them up.  If you die with your mecka, you’re a hero.  If you come back without your mecka, you might get a bill.  Grounding is a definite possibly if a Character’s mecka was destroyed recklessly or from poor skills.

(This is really just here to keep the Players honest.  Yeah, let them fly again after crashing, but if it was avoidable, there should be some punishment, like demotion.  Hey, it could be worse.  If you’re a ship captain and lose your ship and survive, you get court marshaled.) 

Flying into a ship requires a successful attack roll at full speed.  The Kamikaze will go last in the rd, so the target will have an opportunity to shoot it down.  Missing means the attacker has hit the ground or only clipped the ship, either way their craft is destroyed.  The damage caused by a successful hit is M2d10 x 10.  A Character or important NPC can eject before mecka destruction with a DC 12 Pilot Check, otherwise you’re in the explosion.     

Missile Usage
Volleys of missiles (more than 1) either all hit their target or all miss.  Make 1 attack roll per volley, not per missile. 
Damage from a volley of missiles is not per missile.  Roll damage for 1 missile.  Each additional missile adds a static amount of extra damage.  +1 for Short Range Missiles, +2 for Medium, and +3 for Heavy for each additional missile in the volley.  If you need a rational explanation for this, the first missile exploding prematurely detonates the others.  (Game-wise, rolling for each missile takes a lot of time and causes too much damage to account for.) 
Missiles and groups of missiles can be fired at multiple targets in the same rd.  Make a separate attack roll for each target. 
Micro and Mini missiles may be used for Called Shots on other mecka.  Larger missiles can only be used for Called Shots on ships and other large targets.
Micro and Mini missiles can be fired at Close range.  Larger missiles fired at Close range will cause ½ damage to the attacker.
Missiles can only be targeted as far as they have guidance.  This is to say that an L range missile needs to be guided by an L range radar system to hit something at L range.  The radar can be on the firing mecka, or the mecka could be tied into an L range radar system (an Eagle Eye craft, a ship, or a ground base).  Micro and Mini missiles are only line-of-sight guided.  

Ranges and Speed
Speed ratings only apply to which mecka acts first in combat.  It doesn’t actually quantify how far the craft is going in a rd.  For game purposes, all mecka can traverse 1 range increment to the next in 1 rd.  So, a mecka at long range can move to medium range the next rd and so on.  However, faster mecka will still outrun slower mecka or will close in on slower mecka after 1 rd.  (Faster mecka will move out of attack range, or will be able to engage after 1 rd.)  Almost needless to say, land mecka cannot chase after or run away from flight mecka.  Whenever a detectable craft enters into a craft’s radar range or support radar range, the Ref must announce it.     

VL- Very Long Range, beyond attack range, ground-based radar, ship-based, or dedicated radar support craft can see it
L- Long Range, distant, perhaps barely visible, only a radar target
M- Medium Range, threatening, visually identifiable
S- Short Range, dogfighting range, markings on craft will be visible
C- Close Range, HTH combat range

VF- Very Fast, can reach escape velocity into orbit
F- Fast, usual combat fighter speed
M- Medium, usual land mecka speed or slow air/space craft
S- Slow, speed for large, bulky craft

Called Shots
As in Personal Combat, a Called Shot in mecka must be declared before the attack.  The attacker has to succeed at two attack rolls to hit, otherwise it is a miss.  Other than mini and micro missiles, larger missiles can’t be used for Called Shots on small targets.  When a mecka shoots at a specific area of a ship (or other large object), it is a Called Shot if the area is smaller than the mecka itself, otherwise it is a normal attack.  So, large Zee turrets or engines and such are not Called shots, but just a regular shots.  Shooting off the arm of a Hive Drone Warrior holding a captive using a cannon pod would be a Called Shot.

Cockpits can be targeted as Called Shots (assuming the mecka has a discernible cockpit).  If successful, the Pilot must make an immediate DC 18 Pilot Check to avoid crashing or completely losing control of their craft.  If successful, they regain enough control to continue operating.  If not, they’ll likely need a Pilot Check to eject (perhaps needing to use XP).  Generally, only an ace or equivalent enemy pilot would try this tactic and likely only with a Close range shot.

Mecka Point Blank Shots
If mecka are engaged in HTH or circumstances allow two mecka to be directly next to each other, a Point Blank shot may occur.  No attack roll is made, just roll damage, unless you’re attempting to hit a certain spot on the mecka which would then make it a Called Shot.  Using missiles at this range will cause the attacker ½ damage. 

Mecka HTH Combat
A mecka needs to have some humanoid features in order to engage in hand-to-hand combat.  Mecka such as EMDF Battlemecks have weapon arms, which are not designed for HTH and will be damaged if used as such. 
Grab: Assuming the mecka has prehensile hands, they can make a normal attack roll to grab on to or ahold of something resisting them.  If they’re trying a grab a non-resisting object, it’s a Dex check.  Figure DC 12 to 18 depending on the object. 

Grapple: Like in Personal Combat, the attacker must make a successful melee attack roll and a Str check to pin their opponent.  They will also always go last in combat initiative.  The Str check is DC 12 + defender’s Str.  Most mecka have a +2 Str, except where noted.  Failing either means the attack has totally failed.  If other attackers, who are holding their attacks, are assisting (up to three more), add their Str scores to the Str check. 

The grappled opponent has to make a successful Str check to throw off the grappler(s).  The DC rating is DC 12 + the attackers’ Str.  (The Escape Artist skill does not apply in mecka.)  A defender who is unable to get free is pinned.  The grappler can then make a Point Blank attack to score damage (this depends on available weapons).  Attacking a mecka with missiles while grappling it will cause the grappler ½ damage.  A Called Shot or even a Point Blank shot can also be made on the grappling mecka (which will also be unable to move). 

Attacks on man-sized opponents: Unless the opponent has a MAC, they going to be killed by any hit.  The mecka (or giant Zee) can make a non-lethal slap or such.  If the man-sized opponent is hit, they must make a DC 18 Con Sv or be knocked unconscious 1 turn.

Mecka Notes
Some mecka have different modes of operation.  Transforming mecka may change modes as a free action at the start of their turn. 
Generally, mecka may only use one weapons system at a time, except where noted on individual mecka. 
Mecka can use Cover as in Personal combat, however, that cover usually destroyed with the first hit on it.
Mecka are not able to sneak around (Stealth skill) near enemy forces, even those using personal Typhoon Battle armor.  Sniping attacks can only occur when a mecka fires from cover or outside of their opponent’s detection range.
Mecka do add a Str bonus to their HTH damage.  This is listed with the Mecka’s damage.  Mecka hitting each other always causes damage.  Mecka can restrain other mecka, but can’t “box” or some other type of non-lethal combat.
Mecka can be knocked down, but not stunned or knocked out, unless the pilot is directly attacked.
Mecka can be “blinded,” which includes visual sensors and radar detection and even the pilot being blinded. 
Mecka can’t be coup de graced, but can take point blank attacks in the manner as described above. 
Mecka may make stunt attacks, but what they can do depends on how humanoid in shape they are.  Use some common sense.

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