Thursday, July 25, 2019

Robomeck RPG: Robomeck Mecka-Space War III-The Hive

Robomeck RPG Index

The Hive Forces
“If you don’t like your enemies, you shouldn’t have made them.”  Before meeting Qor, the Hive was an entirely pacifist species, dedicated to nurturing their precious Proto-Flower.  Qor discovered the near unlimited energy potential of Proto-fuel derived from the seeds of the flower when stored in a Proto-furnace.  The seeds would eventually be drained and have to be replaced, but would last quite a while and produce enormous amounts of energy.  Use of the Proto-fuel would allow the Overlords to perfect cloning and create mighty warfleets, which would lead to their empire.

But there was always that need for the Proto-Flowers on Teroptera and the Hive nurturing them.  Qor had tried to seed conquered worlds, but only came away with a far inferior substitute.  The flowers would only fully bloom on the Hive homeworld.  While the Hive was happy to share (there was plenty, their world was covered in flowers), the Overlords never liked the arrangement.  It was a weak spot that the Hive or other civilizations might be able to exploit or take advantage of. 

The Overlords asked Qor to find a solution.  His was the Proto-Loom.  It was a Proto-fuel device that actually cloned the seeds.  That sounds a lot simpler than it was to actually create.  The Proto-Flower seeds were imbued with such energy, that the cloning process had the capacity to produce a planetary-level explosion if done improperly.  While the Hive Queen had shown the charming Qor how Proto-fuel worked, this invention was his own and solidified him as a genius.       

With the tremendous power of the Proto-Loom, the Overlords no longer needed Teroperan seeds.  To test the power of his creation, they ordered Qor to destroy the planet so that no one else would be able utilize the power of the Proto-seeds.  Qor’s ship, powered by the Proto-Loom, was fashioned with an energy cannon capable of devastating a planet.  (Humans recovering the ship later would only be able to use it at a fraction of its true power.) 

In a fit of conscience, Qor couldn’t kill his peaceful benefactors (or his erstwhile lover, the Queen).  He instead decided to defoliate the planet of Proto-flowers.  This would fulfill the Overlords’ dictum.  He thought he was doing the Hive creatures a favor as well; their hopeless addiction to the flower had stagnated their society to a listless primitive level.  Breaking this bond would unleash their potential.  That it did.

It was Qor’s last mistake and he’d live just long enough to see his error.  Without their narcotic flower to pacify them, the Hive became as violent as a junky deprived of a fix.  Almost instantly, their entire society of billions mobilized for war.  Qor had only seen the Hive as a civilization of pacifist, drug addicts.  He had not known of their history that led them to this point. 

The Hive had unlocked the secrets of Proto-fuel in their distant past and competing mounds had violently warred with one another.  The Hive who “won” the war, who were the progenitors of the current King and Queen, inherited a devastated world.  From that point, fearing the Hive would not survive as a species, all war was banned.  Aggression was blotted out by an enforced regimen of Proto-Flower consumption by most of the population.  Soon enough, it was all one, big happy Hive.

The King and Queen and various scientific officials, who were exempted from the mandatory addiction, gently directed the populace towards regenerating their world and rebuilding their civilization.  Generations later, with their world a paradise (by Hive standards), the royalty would also be as unmotivated as the rest.  But, those old machines of war were never actually destroyed and the knowledge of their creation was never lost.  All was preserved, just in case.

The Hive saved what seeds and flowers they could before they were all destroyed, but there’d be no where to plant them on Teropera with the soil contaminated.  Their next thought was revenge.  With the King and Queen united in thought their will was enacted by their whole populace.  Qor, orbiting above Teroptera with a Zee fleet, saw a horrific wave of Hive carriers suddenly coming up from the planet.  The old war machines still worked. 

The Zee would heroically attempt to shield Qor’s ship while it attempted to escape, but the Hive overtook them all.  With Hive forces already on board, Qor, fearing sending the Hive directly back to Zirol or any Overlord world, sent the ship into deep space.  Him, the crew, and the invaders would all be killed over the course of the lengthy fold.  Unfortunately, the Hive would search out nearby systems and still find the Overlords’ empire from their use of Proto-fuel and seeded worlds. 

The inferior Proto-Flowers they found would not sate their addiction.  Eventually, they’d take the whole empire, Zirol at the last, without finding the loom or any worthwhile replacement world.  While the King would end up fighting the EEF and fruitlessly searching for the fleeing Overlords, the Queen deployed Proto-sensing probes throughout the galaxy trying to find Qor’s ship.  The end of Space War II would finally give her a positive signal and a call to mobilize her and her brood to take a new world.             

Except where noted, all Hive Mecka have the following features:
Proto-Fuel Sensor S range (Mound Proto-Brains and the Royalty have much longer range and perception capabilities)
Sensor Eye A Called Shot on the eye, with enough damage, is a kill shot.  (Hive Guardians will only lose their sensing capability.)
Grapple Attack for Drone and Warrior types.  This is a suicide HTH attack and they will always go last in a combat rd.  If the Hive mecka makes a successful attack roll and then meets the grapple number, they will be attached to the opponent mecka.  Generally, the grapple number will be 14 (DC 12 + 2 mecka Str), though a few mecka do have +3 Str where noted.  The next rd causes automatic HTH damage.  The next rd, they will destroy the victim’s power core and themselves.  While grappling, Hive mecka is immobile and helpless while grappling and can be attacked to be removed. 

(Note: The Hive King utilized Automated Troops to secure his planetary conquests.  Like the EEF Battlemecks, I’m not going to be bothering to detail them either.  They’re not very interesting.  I may have some inherent bias against Liberators-era mecka.  I could be persuaded otherwise, but for now just use the Assault Warrior Drone as a non-flight capable archetype and then play them as dumbly as possible.) 

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