Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Robomeck RPG: Robomeck Mecka-Space War II-ANS Legionnaire, Invader, Hornet

Robomeck RPG Index


Space War II Era: Army of the North Star Mecka
The Earth Expeditionary Force did not leave earth undefended before their departure, but the Army of the North Star (ANS) which succeeded the EMDF, was far more vulnerable to politics and economics than their predecessors.  In fact, the earth government had essentially outsourced planetary defense to a mercenary army and simply officially called them their defense department. 

The EEF would send back missives about faraway wars, eventually requesting reinforcements along with the Orbital Factory.  As the years wore on, emigration to new worlds discovered along the supply trail would further deplete earth’s reserves.  The EEF would eventually become self-sufficient in manpower and equipment.  By that point, the earth’s defenses were a shell of its former self.   

Without any sort of immediate threat, in spite of the seeming disappearance of the Overlords from their homeworld, the forces of the North Star became subject to budget battles.  Their expensive Proto-fueled based weapon systems and maintaining a fleet in orbit seemed extravagant.  Conventional weapon systems, dual-purpose mecka, and old weapon systems endlessly refurbished became their standard.  Much of the fleet was parked and mothballed on airbases, theoretically available for quick redeployment (which they weren’t). 

The North Stars’ main investment was in early warning detection and outposts in the Solar System.  With enough warning, leadership was confident they could quickly reassemble their forces and call for help outside the System.  This may have been the only thing that saved them from being quickly annihilated when the Overlords appeared and ransacked Lunar and satellite assets.  With some small warning, the North Star was on alert and was able to stalemate the Overlords’ initial military probe into earth orbit.

The Overlords would halt and reconsider their strategy, unsure, an indecisiveness which would plague them for the rest of the war.  Though the North Star lost virtually all of their outer space holdings and was ill-prepared for war, they were prepared to fight.  As the Overlords hesitated, the North Star seized the offensive and attacked with whatever was available to keep the Overlords off-balance and buy time for their capital ships to come back online.  The Overlords’ irreplaceable resources dwindled, while the North Star forces got stronger until it was nearly a fair fight between them, which led to a final catastrophic battle for both.

Legionnaire AG Tank (Armored land assault/defense)
The AG Tank was developed by the EMDF for use against the Zee during their uprising on earth after the war.  The Army of the North Star was a mercenary group, who took on a consignment squadron to aid in the counterinsurgency effort.  They enjoyed great success when deployed against hidden Zee bases in such diverse environments as the Arctic and the Amazon jungle. 

A squadron went with the EEF, but against the Hive, it lacked the ability to take on swarms of disposable enemies and soon fell out of favor.  Back on earth, the super-durable, heavily armored, but still very quick in deployment, the Legionnaire quickly became a mainstay.  While very expensive to build, they could be endlessly rebuilt.  Lacking an expensive missile capability, they could be fielded very cheaply.  Lastly, they looked large and impressive in action, which allowed military leadership to project an illusion of power. 

All the politics aside, the Legionnaire was tremendous in capabilities.  It could take a pounding and deal massive damage at long and short range.  A squad of veteran AG Tanks could hold virtually any ground position against Overlord or Zee attacks and usually batter their way into any of their fortresses.   

The Legionnaire has three modes of operation.  Cruiser mode is a hovercraft mode with the Plasma Gun Pod deployed.  Tank mode sits the craft on a pair of squat legs to deploy the Main Plasma Cannon and the Secondary Cannon.  Battler mode is a full humanoid robot form using the Gun Pod.

Mecka HP: 25
Mecka Armor Class: Base 12 + Dex Bonus + ½ level
Speed: Cruiser F, Tank S, Battler M run
Sensors: L Range Radar

Typical NPC Stats
Level: 1, +2 Int, Dex
MAC: 15 (Base 12, +2 Dex, +1 ½ level)
To Hit: +3 (+1 level, +2 Dex)
Pilot Check: +2 (+1 ½ level, +1 (+2 Dex, 0 Wis)/2) 

Unarmed M1d2+3
Shimmer Blade M1d4+3, only usable in Battler mode.  (Note: This is not canonical.  It is just to give the mecka some needed HTH capability.)   

Plasma Gun Pod M1d8, S, 10 shots (Cruiser and Battler modes.  The Gun Pod is recharged in 1 turn when it is holstered.  It can be quick charged at a rate of 1 shot/1rd.)
Main Plasma Cannon M2d10, L (cannot fire at C Range), Tank mode, can be used in Battler mode, but it can’t be aimed accurately in this mode, S range only, no attack bonus
Secondary Cannon M3d6, S, 10 bursts, Tank mode, can be used in Battler mode, but it can’t be aimed accurately in this mode, S range only, no attack bonus

Invader (Air/Space fighter)
This was the main TMASC (Tactical Mecka Aerospace Corps, of course) mecka fighter at the start of the war.  Its design was a severe compromise to make it an adequate air and space mecka fighter on a budget.  The Delta/Omega fighters, with their large missile magazines, were deemed too expensive to maintain without an actual war going on.  As the Deltas became old and needed replacement, a new, cheaper fighter was mandated.  No one was happy with the Invader, except for government accountants, who loved the craft’s durability and inexpensive to field weapons systems.  (The ANS would later regret sending the last of their Deltas and the Orbital Factory to the EEF in response to their request for reinforcements.  Restarting production wasn’t even an option after that point.)

The Invader has two modes.  In flight mode, it looks like fighter craft, a really ugly one.  In Battler mode, it’s uglier with the arms and legs deployed.

Notes: Okay, I’m going to have to insert some meta-commentary here.  This mecka wasn’t even named in the series.  The name it was given elsewhere never made any sense, but that’s okay, neither did the mecka.  Its gun pod isn’t usable in flight mode, but the nose guns are available in both.  Without a full humanoid-ish battler-mode, even hand-to-hand combat is questionable.  The official game version reluctantly added a few missiles to keep it from being completely gimped in combat, though putting missiles on the wing hardpoints inhibited transforming, which I’m ignoring.  The missiles in my version are stored internally.  They can’t be used in Battler mode, but the craft can still transform with them.

Mecka HP: 20
Mecka Armor Class: Base 11 + Dex Bonus + ½ level
Speed: Fighter M, Battler S run
Sensors: M Range Radar

Typical NPC Stats
Level: 1, +2 Int, Dex
MAC: 14 (Base 11, +2 Dex, +1 ½ level)
To Hit: +3 (+1 level, +2 Dex)
Pilot Check: +2 (+1 ½ level, +1 (+2 Dex, 0 Wis)/2) 

Unarmed M1d2+2
Shimmer Blade M1d4+2, only usable in Battler mode.  (This is not canonical.  It is just to give the mecka some needed HTH capability.)   

Plasma Pistol Pod M1d6, S, 10 shots, can only be used in Battler mode, it can be recharged in 1 turn when it is holstered.  It can be quick charged at a rate of 1 shot/1rd.
Tri-Laser Nose Cannon M3d4, S, can be used in either mode
8 Medium Missiles M1d10 (+2/missile volley), M, can only be used in Fighter mode

Variant: Eagle Eye Radar Intercept Version
Has a VL range radar dish on top and a second seat for a RIO (Radar Intercept Officer).  Cannot change out of fighter mode unless the dish is jettisoned.  A squadron may be deployed with an Eagle Eye to provide radar support in the field away from a ship or base.  Later in the war, when the fight was mostly in space, the Invader was mostly used in the role. 

Hornet (Space fighter)
As control of the high ground became paramount later in the war, the Hornets became the primary ANS space fighter.  There were prototypes in use at the beginning of the war.  The Invader had proven so inept in space combat that the generals in charge demanded a true space fighter.  The Hornet was designed, but only single test squadron was in operation in orbit.  Further production orders were on delay, pending funding. 

It was good for the program and earth that the Overlords ran into that squadron in their initial incursion into earthspace.  The Hornets performed well enough to hold the line.  Mass production began soon thereafter.  The Invader would continue as the North Star’s atmospheric mecka fighter, until the fight could be taken on in large scale in space, where the Hornets could shine.  

The Hornet has two modes of operation.  In flight mode, it looks like a prop-less helicopter.  In Battler mode, it is in full humanoid robot form.  

Notes: Admittedly, the concept of a space helicopter is kind of dumb, but it is actually one of the best-looking mecka designs of the series.  In the show, they were used solely in space.  I remember the official game version actually had a prop on top of it for atmospheric travel.  I’m not sure if that was part of the original animation design or not, but I’m ignoring it. 

Mecka HP: 20
Mecka Armor Class: Base 11 + Dex Bonus + ½ level
Speed: Fighter F space flight, Battler M run
Sensors: M Range Radar

Typical NPC Stats
Level: 1, +2 Int, Dex
MAC: 14 (Base 11, +2 Dex, +1 ½ level)
To Hit: +3 (+1 level, +2 Dex)
Pilot Check: +2 (+1 ½ level, +1 (+2 Dex, 0 Wis)/2) 

Unarmed M1d2+2
Shimmer Blade M1d4+2, only usable in Battler mode.  (This is not canonical.  It is just to give the mecka some needed HTH capability.)    

Pulse Laser (built into right arm/wing) M1d8, S
16 Medium Missiles M1d10 (+2/missile volley), M

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