Thursday, October 10, 2013

Adventure Generation 3

A few random adventure ideas.

-Cut off behind enemy lines.  Fighting your way back to friendly territory.
-Killer monster zoo and they’re loose.
-Bank job.  Give players the goal, general layout, and a few contacts and information about the workers and operations.  Let them work out all of the details for the heist.
-Bounty hunt for a shapechanging spy.  Must be taken alive.
-Salvage: lost merchant ship found adrift, expedition to raid it.
-Magnificent Seven: hired to defend a town against a bandit gang.
-Stealing the body of a nobleman from a castle morgue.
-Raid a Castle Perilous (Darkest Hole) to free the single prisoner held inside.
-Sunken city temporarily resurfaces.
-Ghost City: haunted by ghosts, poltergeists, shadows, banshee.
-Medici family agents: working for a powerful ruling family (or against them)
-Rescue a Nobleman captured on the battlefield, as the family is unable to meet the ransom.
-Haunted battlefield: neighboring village and field overrun with undead chained to spot.  Valuable treasure and a soul-stealer sword.  Deserted during the day, but comes alive at night with Aliens-like action.
-Keep on the Borderlands Redux: Dispatched to the Keep to scout it and find it in flames.  Destroyed from the inside out and deserted of humans.  Infested with humanoid looters.  Betrayed, taken by stealth by a traitor and a coalition of humanoids under evil priests.  Have taken captives back to their hidden caves.  Going to make a major sacrifice under the full moon to create undead.  Race against time.
-The Presidio: The characters are exiled to a lawless frontier area as colonists and to serve as soldiers there against threats to the colony. 

A few interesting settings.

-A haunted seaside graveyard filled with only headstones, the empty graves of those lost at sea.
-Knossos: labyrinthine city on Crete, buried by volcano.
-Maze tomb of Egyptian King Perabsen
-Petra: canyon tomb city
-Towers of Silence in Iran.  A Zoroastran graveyard, the top of the towers were where corpses were laid out to be picked at by birds.  Fire at the temples were kept perpetually burning by the magi.
-The Caves of Sibyl of Cumae: Held books of prophecy and was an entrance to the underworld.  Volcanic area with poisonous gasses.  Possible home to the Medusa.

Group Goal Adventure Ideas:

Finding new a trade route (Marco Polo)
Winning a kingdom (Conan)
Object Quest (Camelot, Lord of the Rings)
Protect the kingdom/court intrigue (Camelot)
Rebellion (Robin Hood)
Exploring the New World (Columbus)
Take over an empire (Cortez, Pizarro)
Tournament fighting group (Gladiator, Pokemon)
The Chosen Ones Guarding the Hellmouth (Buffy)

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