Thursday, October 17, 2013

Artifacts: Motherboard Redux-Definitions

Here’s where some of the terms used in the Fan Fiction might make some sense.


Anomaly (Glitch): Defects in the system that can cause random death and destruction like a natural disaster.  (Anti-Proton Storm, Grid Quake, Neutrino Blast)

Data Sheet: List supplied to players that shows what data is hot.

Circuit: A smooth roadway for high-speed travel.

Micronian: An Electronian, Protonian, or Neutronian.

Motherboard (The Grid): A small portion of a microchip upon which its inhabitants receive, arrange, and output data.

Input Tower: Huge tower to which data is transmitted.  Unusually large Protonian Guardians keep this data safe and award it to the highest bidder.

Bugs: Small creatures which live upon the Grid.  Most are fairly harmless, but they are wild.  Some Neutronians are trained in the art of taming them, so that data may be imprinted and stored on them (called cells).  They can only be imprinted once.

Electronian: Smallest of Micronians, with the ability to produce an electric shock and accelerate to high speeds on or off a circuit.  They are primarily used as messengers transporting bugs, and delivering power.  They are also used as scouts, spies, and assassins.

Neutronian: Large Micronians with high intelligence that can read or mentally attack other minds.  Neutronians have one of two basic disciplines.  Arrangers place delivered data into strings.  Tamers control and herd grid bugs.  Saboteur Neutronians of either discipline can be hired for various destructive acts.

Protonian: Largest of the Micronians.  They can magnetically manipulate the Grid for building (circuits and stores) and are capable of restraining and crushing other Micronians (mass blasts).  Protonians are natural leaders and some also serve as warriors.

Output Tower: Like Input Towers, except that arranged data is delivered here for sale to the Protonian Guardians.  Large price tags are often contested and haggled over.

Charge: 1. Basic unit of currency.  2. Refers to the hit points of Micronians.

Logic Probe: Neutronian with the power to detect defects and sabotage in a bug, building structure, or data.  Not always scrupulous.

Protonian Guardian: Huge Protonians selected by previous Guardians to serve the Towers.  They are incorruptible and very well taken care of.  In spite of the power they wield, they almost always treat fellow Micronians fairly (part of the selection criterion).

Cycle: Day, basic unit of time, broken down metrically.

Data Store: Locked (by Neutronian numbers), encrypted, and/or shielded (by Protonian grid manipulation) places for data.

Phenomenon: Random dangerous events (like weather or natural forces).

Virus: Corrupts data (like plagues and disease).

Encoded Flash Message: An encrypted message sent by Electronian courier.

Metron: Basic unit of length.

Meton: Basic unit of weight

Micronian Names: Name, letter type, letter batch, number model.  Electronian (e-) Z, Protonian (p+) S, Neutronians (n0) O.  Name starts with these letters and are their type.  Zepher ZB3, Soloman SR10, Orly OK1

Input/Output Wire: Linear accelerators, parts-injector releases Electronians one at a time, as one reaches halfway, another is released, vacuum tube-airless circuit, magnetic coils-which surround the circuit, first part of trip acceleration coils push and pull forward, second coils push forward, third coils push back to decelerate.

Neutronian Clearing House: Unsold, unwanted data is brought here for 50% last price and then given to the Protonian guards for tips, which are sold to companies.

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