Monday, January 28, 2013

Fantasy Core RPG Adventure--Dump Hunt Part 3

A Fantasy Core RPG Adventure
© Jerry Harris, 2013
Published here as Open Game Content.


Morning arrives. A couple of hours away, the party reaches the tower. Vultures circle high overhead over the tower. The structure is only about three stories tall, with the bottom level buried in trash. In front of the tower is a large platform upon which are several skeletal remains, displayed in a ritualistic manner.

There are skulls, bones, and complete skeletons of humans, dogmen, goatmen, and many others. The showpiece is a 15 ft tall giant skeleton in a crucified pose. Before it stands an altar. Underneath it is a secret door (DC 12 to find if searched for) that leads to a tunnel beneath the tower.

Stepping onto the platform or towards the tower draws an immediate swooping dive attack by the two vultures, who are much larger than they initially appeared to be. They attack until at least one is killed.

Giant Vultures (2)
HD 3, Hp 12, AC 10
Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +1
Swoop Attack +3 to hit 1d4x2


Approaching the tower, 6 skeletons can be seen on the roof. There is no entrance in the tower, nor any windows. It can be scaled (DC 12) to the top. 5 of the skeletons will immediately attack anyone reaching the roof. The other one will move to bang a gong on the roof, before attacking (takes 2 rds to do so).

There is a trapped trap door on top that leads inside. (1d6 electrical shock if touched. DC 12 to detect if searched for. DC 12 to disarm, or simply avoid handling it with bare skin.)

Skeletons (6)
HD 1, Hp 4, AC 11
Fort +2 Ref 0 Will 0
Sword +1 to hit 1d6


The trapdoor in the platform altar leads underground into complete darkness. There is one straight main passage (10’ across) and several very narrow branching passages. Exploring the side passages, immediately draws an encircling attack by 3 grimlocks. They will disappear into the darkness if any are killed. The main tunnel ends with a ladder leading to a trapdoor in the ceiling.

Grimlocks (3)
HD 1+1, Hp 5, AC 14
Fort +2 Ref 0 Will 0
Axe +1 to hit 1d8
Blindsight, vulnerable to loud noises

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

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