Monday, January 14, 2013

Pulp Fantasy Core--Experience

(c) Jerry Harris, 2012
Published here as Open Game Content.

Pulp Fantasy Core Index

New characters start with 1 XP. XP is experience that the group earns from adventuring. Players can use XP to influence in-game events, as well as saving them up and trading them in at the end of a session to enhance their characters. XP earned is available immediately to the characters for use in game. At least 1 XP should be awarded for everybody in the group each session. A 3 XP award should only be awarded once per session, if that. Beyond these restrictions, it's up to the Ref's judgement and how well the group plays. It is recommended that XP be dished out fairly freely in the Pulp game.

- Earn 1 XP for successful minor actions usually not involving combat, such as parley, puzzles, and investigation.

- Earn 3 XP for defeating a major villain or foiling their main plans. Also for making important discoveries and living to tell the tale, and solving a big mysteries. Essentially, successfully capping off an adventure.

- Earn 2 XP for other significant actions in-between these two, like successfully clearing a combat encounter.

In-Game Use
1 XP can be used to change fate under these conditions, however the Ref can narrate in complications for using XP.

- May be used to make a skill use a success.

- May be used to make a physical feat a success.

- May be used to make a save successful.

- Left for Dead: the character is below 0 hp and without any available medical treatment. They survive or are saved, but definitely with complications. This option may only be used once per adventure session.

- May be used to call upon Fortuitous Coincidence, such as finding needed minor equipment or someone suddenly appearing to save the characters from a problem (definitely with complications). This option may only be used once per adventure session.

Character Upgrades
- Trade in 1 XP for +1 to HP, up to the maximum for the class.

- Trade in 1 XP for +1 to a Save. Up to +12 for the character's best save. Up to +6 for the other two.

- Trade in 2 XP for +1 to a Skill, up to +10.

- Trade in 2 XP for +1 to an ability bonus, up to the class maximum.

- Trade in 2 XP for +1 to either Melee or Ranged BAB, up to +10 total.

- Trade in 5 XP for a new skill (with Restrictions), up to 10 total skills.

- Trade in 5 XP to add more ability to a superpower or special invention, or add a new lesser aspect. (This option is going to require a lot of discretion on the Ref's part. Powers should have a definite power ceiling. Characters should probably also have no more than four powers, if that many.)

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