Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pulp Fantasy Core--Ship Combat and Artillery

(c) Jerry Harris, 2012
Published here as Open Game Content.

Pulp Fantasy Core Index

Ship Combat and Artillery
[Okay, I'll be the first to admit these rules here are a little sketchy.  (And I didn't give this warning with the rest of the rules I've posted?)  You're probably better off narrating any events involving naval or artillery combat.  But just in case you need them, you can fake it with these.]

General Types of Ships:
Small Craft (sailing ships, riverboats): AC 12, destroyed on one hit.

Small Warship (destroyer, transport, submarine): AC 14, destroyed on two hits, up to 2 artillery batteries and 2 AA batteries on destroyers.

Medium Warship (cruiser): AC 16, destroyed on three hits, up to 4 artillery batteries, 8 AA batteries.

Large Warship (battleship, carrier): AC 18, destroyed on four hits, up to 6 artillery batteries on battleships, 20 aircraft on carriers (battleships might have 2 scout planes), 8 AA batteries.

General Naval Combat Skills:
Naval combatants must have the Sailing skill with combat experience and the Demolotions/Heavy Weapon Skill in order to attack. Roll initiative each rd. This is 1d20 + Sailor Skill. Roll off any ties.

Operating ship's guns, artillery, and AA batteries requires the Demolotions/Heavy Weapon Skill. Gunners add their skill bonus only to their attack roll. Operating any heavy gun requires three crewmen to fire every rd, otherwise the rate of fire is once every other rd.

Warships are only vulnerable to bombs, torpedoes, canon fire, and mines (submarines-depth charges) though strafing can eliminate gunner positions on deck.

A DC 18 Sailing Skill is required to maneuver or stay on course after taking a massive hit. Ships having taken any hits move at half speed. (Pursuit and such may be handled as vehicles.) Repairs may be done at sea, 1 turn per hit, assuming there is someone with the Repair skill supervising. Ships depleted of hits will sink in 1d4 + hits rds.

General Artillery Rules:
Extreme long-range attacks with cannon fire (from the air, AA, from offshore, long distance artillery strikes) are made with without any attack bonuses. However, for every two cannons focused on a single target, add +1 to hit, up to +5. Gunners attack with their the Demolotions/Heavy Weapon Skill only when attacking at closer range.

Structures and ships are generally invulnerable to small arms fire and can only be collapsed or damaged by heavy guns and bombs.

House: AC 11, destroyed on one hit

Building: AC 12, destroyed on two hits

Trench: AC 12, destroyed on one hit

Bunker: AC 13, destroyed on two hits

Well, at long last, we've reached the end of the Fantasy Core/Pulp Fantasy Core rules posts.  If you're looking for some pdf's of these rules, so am I.  Right now the most current copy of the rules is what's posted here.  I've discovered my copy of the rules at home on my hard drive isn't even up to date.  At some point, I may go through these posts, make a new doc, and see if I can host it on my Google drive, but don't hold your breath.  In the meantime, this Published here as Open Game Content link at the top of the page contains a linked index to all the rules posts.  Don't fret, I've still got a few sample adventures and some other material to post.

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