Monday, August 26, 2013

Fantasy Core RPG: Jianghu Setting-Secret Societies

Fantasy Core RPG
© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

Secret Societies

The open secrets are the most indiscernible.

In Shang-tu, there are two main active secret societies, the White Lotus Society and the Heaven and Earth Society (the Triads).  While both have the goal of overthrowing Manchu rule, they are generally not compatible.  (Which is obviously to Governor Yu’s advantage.)  They do not associate with one another except in dire circumstances or unprecedented opportunity. The people in general in Shang-tu know of these groups only as vague rumors.  Even Triad sympathizers in the Lake Ward know little to nothing about the workings of the group.

The establishment wishes to preserve established mistakes.  A revolutionary wishes to create new ones.
Both secret societies operate along the same lines.  New members are initiated by rigorous testing.  Absolute loyalty and secrecy is demanded.  Members are expected to give their lives to accomplish their mission (or take their own lives if caught).  In the end, both groups seek to remove the current rulers and replace them with themselves.  The White Lotus wants things to more or less stay the same, just without the Manchus.  They think they will be able to manipulate the Triads into making a good distraction, when the time comes for their masterstroke.  The Triads want the Manchus and the rest of the powerful in society removed.  They think the White Lotus and their valuable information network will ultimately have to sell out their backers and join their own, more popular group, if they wish to be relevant.

If two groups that serve the same cause fight one another, they serve no one.
These two groups are ultimately not compatible.  The question is will they tolerate one another long enough to topple the Manchus?  They could end up seeing one another as the main obstacle to their common goal.  So far, neither side has intentionally harmed one another’s members or operatives by action or inaction.  Polite apologies and reparations are exchanged after any “regrettable” incidents, as both groups do have blind contact with one another. 

Of note to adventurers, the Triads only trust their own members for tasks and are an organization of warriors.  The White Lotus is primarily made up of intelligence gatherers, who are only warriors if that is their normal trade.  They usually hire professionals, who don’t ask too many questions, for dangerous tasks.  Working for one, doesn’t necessarily preclude working for the other, but it is taken into careful consideration.

One will serve an abusive provider longer than an uncaring one.

Keep in mind that the secret societies (the White Lotus and the Triads) and criminal gangs (the Brotherhood and the Tongs) actually do serve some useful purpose to their members and people under their “protection.”  People who are or feel that they are disenfranchised or ignored by the proper government have someone to turn to help and to have some political power there.  These groups often care for their members in times of general or even personal trouble better than any government agency.  Members may be abused, mislead, and even sacrificed but are not ignored, and thus most are very loyal to their chosen groups.

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