Monday, December 28, 2015

Review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This is a bit late, and you’ve probably all seen it by now, but let’s sum up our feelings.  If you’ve seen the first three films, you’ve functionally seen this movie.  If you haven’t seen those films, you’d certainly enjoy this, since those original films were pretty awesome.  If you’re wondering how somebody hasn’t seen the original three, I offer this.  During the scene where we see Darth Vader’s helmet, a little girl sitting in front of me at movie asked one of her parents, “Who’s that?”  No, really.  That actually happened.  Any Disney marketing executive reading this right now may be considering committing ritual suicide.  “What!  Somebody doesn’t know who Darth Vader is, after all the toys and commercials!  I must kill myself out of shame!”

I saw this a week after it had been out.  I stayed away from every Internet review.  The people at work who’d seen it wouldn’t say anything about it.  A friend said he didn’t want to spoil it for me.  As established above, given that I’d already seen this movie, I’m not sure what there was to spoil.  I earnestly kept waiting for something to happen that would surprise me.  Some twist in motivation.  Some unexpected action.  Anything!  Perhaps even this review is nothing more than what would be expected of such a film. 

Congratulations JJ Abrams.  This was the second best Star Wars fan film ever.  (IMPS is still number one, even uncompleted.)  You’ve very accurately aped the movies you loved as child.  Please don’t tell me that this film was just to establish the new trilogy with some familiarity and that the next films will be really ground-breaking and original.  Remember what happened the last time an overhyped Star Wars film made a bad first impression?  Phantom Menace basically wrecked the next two films in terms of enthusiasm.  At least you’ve successfully lowered expectations for the next film to where you could do something different and have it be welcomed.
Congratulations Disney.  After one of the most obnoxiously pervasive advertising campaigns of all time, you lured a bunch of people in to see your movie, and it made a bunch of money.  All I’d heard about this movie was the hype and how much money it had made.  The greater the promotion, the less the substance.  That nobody said it was good, pretty much tipped me off as to what to expect.  At least you still have your Marvel films to redeem yourselves with. 

Lack of originality is my main complaint.  After that, the story was not well constructed, especially in the final act.  There’s a couple of dangling points that I suspect will be cleared up as a Director’s Cut.  What did I like?  The film was well done for what it was, a copy.  The new Lightspeed effect was cool.  (Han explaining how they were going to penetrate the Starkiller’s defense shield was a line right out of Star Trek.  Don’t mix your franchises, JJ.)  The girl, Rey, had a very nice English accent.  Your star also looked like she needed a bath and a change of clothes for the entire film.  Shouldn’t you have cleaned her up at some point?  If you wanted her to look unattractive, you succeeded.  I just don’t know why.  Thanks for having her meet Luke at the end and not just teasing it for the next film.  That did actually surprise me a bit. 

Suggestions?  More Poe.  He was genuinely cool.  At least he had a cool name, unlike Snoak, which sounds like a name for an elf character in a Prep and Landing cartoon.  Finn for a black guy?  And couldn’t you have gotten Donald Glover for the part?  At least he would have made something of it, more than just an ethno-casting call.  (That was a really pleasant surprise for me to see him in The Martian.)  Can we get like two minutes of backstory on the galactic situation?  I wasn’t sure what was going on.  Was the story that weak, or do I have to read a bunch of novels, which may be de-cannonized at anytime, in order to get it?

Well, it was as good a film as a fanboy and a corporate marketing department could possibly make.  At least they haven’t irreparably damaged the franchise to this point.  The video games based on this movie should be good.  Certainly some of the space-action scenes were designed for that.  Enjoy all the action figures and other collectibles.  There should be plenty of them, and you can always make up your own stories with them.

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