Thursday, December 3, 2015

Southland Adventure: Stone Grave-Residence Level

A Fantasy Core and D&D 5th Edition Southland Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2015
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Playtest Rules.)

The original mine had a small amount of barracks housing and office space.  Underground living space obviously isn’t optimal or inexpensive, but the 24 hour nature of the work and the constant influx of new workers demanded some accommodation.  A small community with rental housing was set up outside the mine which new miners moved into as they earned enough money.

The “community” dried up and blew away as the mine played out.  In its next incarnation as a survival bunker, Stone Grave’s residences were greatly expanded with actual living quarters and individual bathroom facilities.  Some communal space and even small playing pitch for sports were added.  (Keep in mind, the magic power of the Wizard-Kings made carving out stone a lot easier than in the old days of the mine.)  The whole level is well-lit and still is (except where noted).  As the bunker became swelled with more refugees food, water, and waste disposal systems quickly broke down.  Before the end, this level was essentially an underground third world slum neighborhood.

This area was stuffed with undead when the Humanoids found it.  The coalition slogged through from apartment to apartment, cleaning out the inhabitants.  There was no treasure to be found for their bloody effort.  When the sealed entrance to the Noble level was found, agreements broke down with possibility of riches at hand.  The Humanoids divided themselves by race and hunkered down into different sections.  The battle continued furiously until the Grimlocks below cut off their supply lines and reinforcements. 

Those Humanoids still remaining are going to run out of the water and food within a week.  Ideally, they should join forces and force their way out back to the Humanoid territories.  Unfortunately, bad blood and the smell of riches has convinced them to hold out and try to outlast the other tribes.  Desperation for food will prompt reckless action shortly.  It’ll be a blood bath as the factions are a bit too close in equal strength. 

The appearance of the Characters is going to disrupt all this.  Fillet Mignon has just been served to bunch of starving monsters.  I picture this level as being something of a chase with the Characters running and hiding for their lives.  Any major, prolonged fight is going to draw attention from other tribes.  If there are two groups of Humanoids and human adventurers present, they will start fighting each other for the opportunity to kill and eat the humans. 

Level Dressing
The whole level is something of a desiccated garbage dump.  At the end, there was nothing but wreckage and trash left.  Things died ugly here.  The residences were Spartan two-level apartments to begin with.  With the refugees, it all became a giant flophouse.  There are only a few buildings worth mentioning, such as the Meeting Hall, the Tavern, and the small Courtyard with the Shrine and Fountain (currently dried out).  These areas were all re-purposed to accommodate refugees.  The Mayor’s house would be a good place to reacquaint the Characters with the Doppelganger, perhaps wanting to join forces with the group to take out the Gnolls. 

There’s nothing value left from when the refugees were living here.  There are again, occasional piles of incinerated undead corpses.  The Humanoid camps contain only their primitive weapons, some brackish water, and scraps of highly questionable meat (depending on the Characters’ rations, this might be a God send).      

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