Monday, May 18, 2020

Artifacts: Old Postcards

I was going through a box of things with my name on it that was at my parents' apartment and found a bunch of stuff to post.  Up first are some old postcards.

Here's a postcard from one of my grandmas.  Unfortunately, there's a sad recurring theme of wishing I was there to be with the relatives during the holidays and other times.  This is what happens when you move far away from where you're born.

Here's a postcard from a childhood friend who lived up the street from me.  He's rubbing it in here that he got to go to Disneyland, which I've still never been to.  On the other hand, he did sign it with love, so it wasn't too malicious.

Grandma and grandpa got around a bit travelling.  These just make me feel bad that I didn't write them more.

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