Friday, August 28, 2020

Sketches: Somebody else's sketches for a change

Yes, this is some more flogging for Ilya Kuvshinov.  I showed his Eternal artbook to a co-worker.  She loved it and was inspired to make a couple of sketches.

She said she liked his drawing with the penguin, so I drew a fairly quick sketch of it and gave it to her.  After seeing her coloring, I suggested she color it.  She basically re-drew my sketch and added the color and made it way better.

Here's an original by her.  Isn't it adorable?

I suggested we both draw the same picture to see how we worked.  She picked a Pinterest image of a Tiefling (or maybe a Succubus or something else with a demonic tint.)  I was amazed that she drew basically random lines on the paper and then connected them into a great drawing.  

My attempt used standard drawing construction techniques and, of course, came up crap.  (Though still kind of cute.)  She was at least impressed I could knock this out quickly and turn construction lines into something coherent.

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