Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Artifacts: Disney Magazine October 1976

[Happy New Year!  I'll be back Thursday with more Cyber-Pulp.]

Here's another issue.

This is a fairly cool article about the behind the scenes at Disneyland.

The main feature.

Spot and name the Disney characters.

Nothing like a few old-time baseball stories.

Regrettably, my mom wasn't a Downey user, so I never got the next issue.  I'm surprised I talked her into these two.  I don't even remember an issue after this one.  It's hard enough to believe these were giveaways to begin with.  In spite of their huge bank of Intellectual Property, Disney has been pretty hit and miss in their own publishing, generally doing much better through licensing it out to other companies, like Dell and Gladstone.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Artifacts: Disney Magazine September 1976

[Posting some more fun material for the next two days.  I'll be off Wednesday and be back Thursday with more Cyber-Pulp.]

This is a true artifact.  I'm willing to bet Disney doesn't even remember producing these.  The two that I have are 48 page, full-color magazines that were FREE with the purchase of some specific household items at the grocery store.  I'll just be putting up the best parts, but I'd be willing to put up more by request.

Here's the feature presentation: Mickey and the Sleuth.  I don't know where this character came from.  He's not the Great Mouse Detective, since that film came out years later.

And lastly, a character mash up.  Try and name them all.

Friday, December 27, 2013


© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

While seemingly very much an anachronism in the future world, magic powers have their uses there.  For one, few organizations or individuals defend against them, thus creating an exploitable blindspot.  Spellcasting does involve having the proper genetics and is harder to learn than firing a gun or hacking, but spells are still potent and useful.  Lastly, there are still supernatural entities (like the undead and ghosts) in the world that science and gunfire just can’t deal with.

The Occultist character is defiantly retro.  Once you’ve gone down the magic path, your body even has trouble accepting artificial implants.  The Occultist’s relative technophobia and odd scholarship has likely made them nearly unemployable in modern society.  Their skills set makes them pariahs.  Whether the Occultist character crossed someone and was Blacked Out or they simply dropped out and into the Shadow World, they are much happier there, where they can be paid to study and practice the arcane.   

All of the various races of Humanity have members who have a potential to use magic, though to greatly varying degrees.  Humans, Half-Elves, and Pixies are the most common and still have the ability to accept artificial implants.   

Ability Stats
Human: Enhanced Int, Wis; Subprime Str, Con
Half-Elf: Enhanced Int, Wis, Cha, Dex; Subprime Str, Con
Pixie: Enhanced Int, Wis, Cha; Subprime Str, Con

6 + (1d6 x 4) [hp 30 Max] + Con Bonus x 5

Melee: Str bonus +2 (up to +5 Max class bonus)
Ranged: Dex bonus +2 (up to +5 Max class bonus)


Fort: Con bonus +1 (up to +3 Max class bonus)
Ref: Dex bonus +1 (up to +3 Max class bonus)
Will: Wis bonus +4 (up to +7 Max class bonus)

Racial Characteristics

Human: Three starting Edges.  May have up to two artificial implants.  May use any common weapon or armor.

Half-Elf: Two starting Edges.  May have one artificial implant.  May use any common weapon or armor.
Crack Shot: Add +3 to all single-shot firearm damage.  This bonus is not upgradable.  Also, they may fire into a melee fight without making a Called Shot.
Detection: (Int  + Wis)/2 + 3 (up to +5 Max class bonus).  Includes the detection of traps, trapped items, and ambushes; Disarming Traps; and Finding secret doors and hidden items.  Use DC 12 in general, DC 18 if a master is trying to be deceptive or has set up a trap and such.
Stealth: (Dex + Int)/2 +3 (up to +5 Max class bonus)
Infravision: Has the ability to see in the dark.
Immunities: Sleep, charm, and paralysis effects.

Pixie: Two starting Edges.  May have one artificial implant.  Cannot use any type of armor.  May only use small one-handed weapons, such as daggers and pistols with two-hands.
Flight: Pixies are able to fly, however they may only be lightly encumbered. They are able to hover and may fly as easily as they can walk.
Dodgy: Pixies have a natural +4 AC bonus.
Charm: Pixies have very compelling personalities and looks. (Cha + Wis)/2 + 3 (up to +5 Max class bonus).
Infravision: Has the ability to see in the dark.
Immunities: Sleep, charm, and paralysis effects.

Class Skills

Magic Spells: Spellcheck-Int bonus +3 (up to +5 Max class bonus.)  This skill can be boosted beyond this, but at a cost of 10 XP per bonus point up to +7 class bonus at the very most.  There are artificial spell boosters that may be a better option. 

Occultists may cast any spell they know by making a Spellcheck vs. DC 12 + Spell Level.  With 3 cumulative failures in a turn/encounter, all magic use is suspended pending 1 turn of rest.  Occultists do require 8 hours rest a day to cast spells for the next.

Use the Fantasy Core spell list (part 2, part 3) to choose starting spells:
1 - 3rd (DC 15 to cast)
2 - 2nd (DC 14 to cast DC)
3 + 1 per Int Bonus - 1st (DC 13 to cast)
All 0 level (at will) spells.

A saving throw against a spell is DC 12 + 1/2 caster level.  Occultists start out at DC 15, up DC 17 if the class bonus is maxed out. 
Other 1st to 3rd level spells may be acquired as Edges.  Higher level spells have to be acquired through play.  It takes a day of practice to learn a new spell.  Tried in the field, the caster must have the spell formula with them to study for 1 turn before each attempt, and on failure, the caster is Knocked Out for 1 turn and cannot cast again until they’ve had 8 hrs rest.

Failure to cast a spell of 6th level and above, immediately ends further casting until the Occultist has rested for 1 turn.  If the high level spell is a Ceremony spell, failure also may cause Insanity. **link**

Saving Throw Difficulty Class: A saving throw against a spell has a DC of 12 + caster’s class bonus (up to +5 max generally, perhaps up to +7 for an ancient full Elvish wizard).  For spells involving undoing magic, a Caster Check is made.  A successful Spellcheck must be made and the roll must be equal or greater to DC 11 + ½ the opposing Caster's level.  If the just the Spellcheck is successful, it doesn't count as a spell failure.
Exorcist: Wis bonus +3 (up to +5 Max class bonus).  DC 12 to cast.  May be attempted once per encounter.  Inflicts 1d6 damage to undead and demons per class bonus (starts at 3d6) in a 30' radius. The damage is applied to each creature within. Creatures of lower HD will also flee for 1 turn. Undead of equal or greater HD and intelligent creatures (such higher demons, vampires, and liches) are entitled to a DC 12 Will Sv to escape any damage.

Healing: Occultists may fully heal all hp damage Wis bonus x a day, including themselves and those below 0 hp, but not yet dead.

Fearless: Immune to the effects of any supernatural fright (though the character can pretend otherwise).

Occult Knowledge/Seance: Int bonus +3 (Knowledge)/Wis bonus +3 (Seance) (up to +5 Max class bonus). 

Any supernatural knowledge off the top of the head, DC 12 general, DC 18 specific.  Given the right research material and time, assume that just about anything could be tracked down, or indicators given to where the knowledge could be found (adventure hook).    

With a séance, the Occultist can talk to the dead with a 1 turn ceremony.  DC 12 recent dead with body present.  If failed, knocked out 1 turn.  DC 18 to contact without a body.  Must actually channel in the spirit.  Others with a +1 Int and +1 Wis bonuses may join in, and they add +1 to the attempt.  On success, the spirit is forced to converse for up to 1 turn.  On failure, Occultist is taken control of by the spirit until a DC 12 Will Sv is made.  The attitude of the spirit in either case depends on the disposition of the dead and relationship to the Occultist.  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

CYBER-PULP FANTASY CORE-Sample Psi-Hacker Characters

© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

(These are just possibilities, not formal class roles.  Please experiment.)

Data Jack +1
Software +6
Hardware +5
Lab and Advanced Data Pad
Connections +4
Con Artist (Fast Talk, Charm, Haggle, and Disguise) +4
Shady Skills (Picking Locks, Forgery, and Picking Pockets) +5
Immunity to illusions

Human Info Runner

+2 Int Bonus, +2 Wis Bonus, +2 Dex Bonus, 1 XP
Hp 18, AC 14 (Dex Bonus + Kevlar Shirt), BAB +2
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +6

Edges: Dex Boost, Memory Implant, Shadow Cloak (Stealth +6/+4, +4 from Cloak if stationary, +2 if moving, +2 from Bonuses)

Melee: Knife (hidden on leg) +2 to hit, 1d4
Ranged: Assault Pistol, S, 30 bullets, 2 extra clips
+4 to hit 2d6 single shot
+4 to hit 2d6 x 1d2 burst (DC 12 Ref Sv 1/2 damage), 3 bullets
+2 to hit 2d6 x 1d2 spray, up to 3 adjacent targets (DC 12 Ref Sv ½ damage), 6 bullets

Telepathic +5 (+2 Int, +3 Class)
DC 12 Sense Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Psychometry
DC 12 Transmit Thoughts, Illusion

PK +5 (+2 Wis, +3 Class)
DC 12 Telekinesis, 40 lbs.
DC 12 Thought Shield, 20’ radius protection from physical attacks

Tiefling Break-in Artist

+2 Int Bonus, +2 Dex, 1 XP
Hp 18, AC 14 (Dex Bonus + Kevlar Shirt), BAB +2
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4

Edges: Electro Lock Picker (any electronic lock, 2 rds), Mirror Skin (Stealth +6, +4 from Skin, +2 from Bonuses)

Teleport up to 25’

Melee: Shock Wand +2 to hit, DC 12 Fort Sv KO 1 turn, 10 charges, 1 turn to recharge
Ranged: Stun Gun +4 to hit, DC 12 Fort Sv KO 1 turn, C, 1 turn to recharge

Spellcheck +5
All Cantrips at will
Expeditious Retreat DC 13 to cast, 5 turns

Telepathic +5 (+2 Int, +3 Class)
DC 12 Sense Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Psychometry
DC 12 Transmit Thoughts, Illusion

Drow Con Man

+2 Int, +2 Dex, 1 XP
Hp 18, AC 16 (Dex Bonus + Armor-mani Suit), BAB +2
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +4

Edges: Armor-mani Suit, 10 XP of gold (Stolen from a Corp. Can only move 1 XP at a time, 1 in 10 chance of blowing cover.)

Weapon Fetish: Auto Pistol
Immunities: Sleep, Fear, Paralysis
Skilled in the use of poison
Stealth +5

Melee: None +2 to hit (Dislikes HTH)
Ranged: Pearl-handled Auto Pistol (Gigi) +4 to hit, 2d6 (on Natural 17 and up hit, max damage), 15 bullet clip, S, 2 extra clips

Telepathic +5 (+2 Int, +3 Class)
DC 12 Sense Thoughts, Clairvoyance, Psychometry
DC 12 Transmit Thoughts, Illusion

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Artifacts: Dennis the Menace Christmas #55 Part 2

[Okay, because some idiot who runs this blog couldn't count the days till Christmas, I'm double-posting today.  Merry Christmas!  I'll be back Thursday.]

Warning.  You may never want to have kids after reading this story.

Yeah, I bet you're still shaking.  That two-page spread right before the end is epic.  Sorry that crease in the old comic didn't allow for a good, clean scan on that.  If only we could get the ultimate comic strip crossover: Dennis the Menace vs. Calvin and Hobbes!