Monday, July 1, 2013

Artifacts: Valle Verde Maps

These are maps of the El Paso Community College, Valle Verde campus, where I received a piece of paper for showing up for two years, and also a paycheck for nearly a year working for one of the departments. If I sound ambivalent, that’s about right. I’m sure some enterprising Ref can find a use for these (probably involving zombies, how original).  (Full disclosure: I used it as a battleground for a superhero battle.) 

Regrettably, these don’t show the four-story building overlooking the campus. There was the bookstore, a cafeteria, a dining area, and a stage for occasional live music acts. The second floor had offices (where I worked) and a balcony overlooking the dining area. Third floor had a library, that had viewing areas in the floor over the dining area. I think the fourth floor had high-level administration offices, but I may not be remembering that correctly.

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