Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Sketch Dump: Co-workers

I think I've posted some of these sketches before, but I redid the scan here.

In spite of the title, the girl on the right is artist, Jo Chen.  Co-worker, Miss A, is on the right.  She's nice, but torments me at work with her unreasonable demands (and sleeping with another co-worker).  Yes, all the dish is coming out here.

Here's Miss C.  She was a really good employee.  We miss her.  I would have liked to have gone out with her, but she got back together with her ex and had an adorable (and unexpected) kid.

I forgot her name.  I found the picture I drew this from and I don't think it had the right name on it.  I do remember she was the prettiest thing at work while she was here.

That's Miss E on the left.  Lovely, but demanding woman.  Miss J was a very attractive, petite Korean girl.  She had three kids by two guys and broke up with her current husband right after she was fired for gossiping about the wrong person here.  We kind of got along.  I sort of wish we'd kept in touch.

Here's another of Miss J.  It's a selfie where she was showing off her chest.  Scandalous.  (I'm not complaining in the slightest.)  

Oh, here's Miss M.  She was such a sweetheart.  However, she was married to, let us say, a suboptimal choice.  This was one of the few times where I did actually feel that I would have been a better choice.

Lastly, here's Miss X.  (Yes, really.)  She just broke up with her longtime boyfriend.  There was another choice in mates that was somewhat baffling.  He was a nice enough guy, but how did he catch and keep this hottie as long as he did.  That said, she's a bit difficult to be around, so maybe her choices were limited as to who could put up with her.  She's with someone more appropriate now and seems pretty happy and more pleasant.

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