Monday, September 21, 2015

Southland: Abraxus

A Fantasy Core Setting
© Jerry Harris 2014
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

Red Dragon (Abraxus)
HD 10 (d12), Hp 95, AC 20 (Natural)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8
Melee: Up to 4 Attacks/rd at 4 opponents, bite/claws can be used against the same opponent, but not the tail slap
Bite +7 to hit 3d6
2 x Claws +10 to hit 1d8 each
Tail Slap +5 to hit 1d10

Ranged: Breathe Fire 4d10 + 1d6 continuing damage/rd until smothered, other combustibles in the area are likely ignited as well, 20’ area of effect, DC 16 Ref Save for ½ damage, M range.  It may be used once per encounter automatically, DC 12 Fort Sv to use again, DC 18 for a third time.  Requires 1 turn of rest to use again.  Breath weapon is a full attack, cannot make melee attacks that rd.
Flight ability.  Wind Blast from the wings to take off will knock down everyone in 30’ radius (DC 18 Ref Sv).  This attack can’t be used in the same rd as melee attacks or breath weapon.  This attack is usually used to escape.

Abraxus is one of the very few awake dragons in the Southland.  At the end of the Civil War, he was badly wounded and settled down in an underground lair at the Devil’s Marbles to eventually fall into hibernation.  A gang of Kobolds hiding there brought him food as tribute and for his help in staying free of the other Humanoids.  Abraxus recovered and stayed awake.  He accepted the Kobold’s deal.  While the little creatures bring him plenty of food, Abraxus still goes out to hunt occasionally, mostly to destroy any Humanoid raiders in the area.   

The humans at Alice Springs and Abraxus have an interesting relationship.  The Humanoids pose no threat to the dragon and his lair has nothing they’d want, but early on, Abraxus decided the humans were potentially dangerous.  Too much like the Ancients, they’d come hunting for him, if he gave them a reason.  Abraxus continued his usual attacks on Humanoid columns, but left the humans alone. 

Though there’s been no formal negotiation (not to say there hasn’t been informal meetings), the human garrison got the hint.  As having the dragon there is actually a tremendous hazard to traveling Humanoid tribes, thus bolstering their own defenses, the Commonwealth has marked the Devil’s Marbles area as quarantined.  (Caught trespassers are often stripped of their gear, tied up, and left there for a presumably bad end.)  The presence of Alice Springs in turn, drives more Humanoids, thus food, into Abraxus’ reach.  The occasional Kobold cattle theft is allowed, knowing that it’s probably going to feed the dragon. 

Obliviously, Abraxus is a “thinking man’s” dragon.  He even speaks the Common tongue (probably learned from a captive).  He has some small loyalty to the Kobolds, as they’re too simple to be duplicitous.  Ultimately though, they’re only a means to an end for him.  If somehow properly approached and enticed, Abraxus has a wealth of knowledge and could be a powerful (albeit only temporary) ally.  If the current situation was somehow changed to not be in his favor, he’d be a most dangerous foe.

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