Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Southland: Humanoid Lands-Introduction

A Fantasy Core Setting
© Jerry Harris 2014
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)


Mount Connor (Humanoids, other monsters)
The Deep Dark (Grimlocks) 
     Deep Dark Oozes
Ranger Uranium Mine (Hobgoblins)
     Biviron (Undead Guardian)
Devil’s Marbles (Kobolds, Dragons)
     Other Dragons

Introduction to Humanoids
Let’s get this out of the way first: These creatures are NOT noble savages defending their land against a foreign invasion.  [Humanoids are not standing in for the Aborigines in this environment.]  They are unnatural creations blighting the land.  The Humanoids have some intelligence, but they only concerned with killing and eating.  They have only a very few primitive superstitions and taboos, which might reflect slightly higher thought.  They see humans as hated dangerous prey animals.  They see other Humanoid species and members of their own species, even their own tribe if desperate, as potential food as well.  There can be no negotiation with them, no matter how much the humans might want it. 

Of general note, all Humanoids have darkvision and can see well in low light.  However, they can operate without penalty in daylight.  They all speak variations of Ancient particular to their species.  They will not learn other languages (nor teach their own) and cannot read or write.  Different Humanoid species may communicate with one another (haltingly) and with other monsters, but they won’t talk to humans.  (Magical translation and knowing the Ancient language would allow humans to at least understand them.) 

The species listed here is by no means all-inclusive.  If you have a favorite Humanoid race not mentioned here, go ahead, pick a spot on the map, make up an environment, and insert it.  There’s plenty of room.

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