Friday, December 31, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 9

 Shriner's Hospital, St. Louis, MO.

Union Station Plaza, St. Louis, MO with its $100,000 fountain.  

At last, a card from Advance, MO, where my dad's family is from.

Open Air Theatre, Benton Harbor, MI.  The venue features Vaudeville programs in the afternoon.

Cliff Drive, Kansas City, MO.  I am not adjusting the colors on these; this is how they look.  Note the 2 cent postage.  

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 8

 The Arena at St. Louis, MO.  Impressive-looking building.

Finally, a photo postcard.  Monarch Crest, CO.

The White House.  It looks different in this photo than everything I've seen on TV.  Oh, this one's in Biloxi, MI.

Parkersburg, WV.  The postmark says, "1912."  What a pleasant-looking street.

Soldier' Memorial, St. Louis, MO.  It says that the building houses relics of "The World War."  I guess this one is pre-WWII.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 7

Municipal Auditorium, St. Louis, MO.  Built at a cost of $7M probably somewhere in the 40's, judging by the cars.

I don't quite understand this card.

Yukon, OK?  Certainly less snow than the actual Yukon.

View from the Missouri Ozarks.

Salt Lake, UT.  Interesting crop with a colored photo and a painting.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 6

 Veterans Hospital, Popular Bluff, Missouri.

Bonner's Ferry, Idaho.  

Goodwin Tourist Court, Texarkana, Texas. 

Okay after those scenic locations, here's something more interesting, Disneyland.  The Mark Twain steamboat looks dangerously overloaded.  

No location with this one.  It's a novelty card.  The girl looks like Daisy Mae from Lil' Abner.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 5

 Tropics Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.  I guess the Strip wasn't as impressive in 1953.

Postmarked from Pocatello, Idaho.  Unfortunately, taking off the stamp ruined the location.   

I love this card.  What great, classic design.

Oh, dear.  Here we've stumbled onto some scandal.  This is a blank card with a rather severe message.  It's not written to dad and he didn't remember this card.  I can't even read the name.  In any case, read it.  This girl tells a guy off in great detail.  I'm half thinking it could be addressed to one of my co-workers, who's quite the ladies man.  Wonderful penmanship.

Suddenly, we're going around the world.  Here's a card from the Pool of London. 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Postcards From the Edge: Dad's Family Cards 4 and Merry Christmas

I got a couple of Christmas cards at work.  Christmas Eve seems appropriate to share them now.


On to the postcards.  Doctor's Hospital, Popular Bluff, Missouri.  Looks pleasant.

Baylor University, Waco, Texas.    

Monoliths in Monument Canon, Colorado.  

Pike's Peak, Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Impressive sunrise.

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.  Lot's of travelling here.