This was the main get from my Halloween order. (And this is the final post concerning this order.) It’s a 500-page color volume of Sabrina and it was at a huge discount. (And the regular price wasn’t bad to begin with.) I had some reservations. I already had a huge black and white Sabrina chronological volume. I assumed there’d be some reprints from that. I also looked up this book on Amazon and the reviews weren’t kind. They said there were several repeated stories in the book. My volume didn’t have any repetition, so it must have been a later printing that was fixed.
There is the usual disclaimer in the opening credits for the classic material and apologizing for it. There’s literally nothing objectionable with this material. The disclaimer also says that the stories are reprinted without alteration. This is a lie. There are some small edits.
Of the older material, which I already had, it only comprised 1/5 of this book. (That’s 100 pages.) It was nice to see it in color. You can get a look at this material in my previous review. (I found out there is a second chronological volume. I’m guessing Archie didn’t continue past that.)
We’ll start off with a couple of Little Sabrina stories. Reggie is her natural foil here. Again, wouldn’t these two be a great couple in high school (for comedy that is)?
Sabrina isn’t terribly frightened by vampires. (She should have made at least an appearance in that “Twilite” story. Sabrina would have been a natural fit.)
This seems like a little world-building for Sabrina’s setting, but nothing comes from it that I know of.
Head Witch Della knows how to make an entrance.
It’s about 20 years too late, but here’s Sabrina basically acting like a secret agent. It’d be interesting to add her to Archie’s The Man from RIVERDALE setting. That’s a concept that really needs an update. It’s too good to waste.
Jughead artist, Samm Schwartz, took a turn with Sabrina. In the story, she gets sent to evil Hogwart’s and decides she’d rather be back in mortal high school.
OMG! Avert your eyes! This wouldn’t be the last time Sabrina’s aunts updated their looks, but it would be their worst attempt.
I just thought this story with the overly intrusive TV was fun. I’m skipping over a section of Gravestone Heights stories. I sort of covered these stories in the Halloween digests and they are the same stories. I’m wondering how many of these there are. I’ve only ever seen three.
There is a section of comics from the Sabrina TV show era. I never see these reprinted. I was wondering if Archie somehow didn’t have the rights to them. Dan DeCarlo came back to redesign his original character for this series.
Here’s a somewhat better makeover for the aunts. This story had a bit a retelling of Sabrina’s origin for the new series.
Sabrina ends up in a magic fight with Cleopatra in this multi-part story. Unfortunately, Part 1 isn’t reprinted here.
I do see plenty of reprints of the animated Sabrina show. They’re kind of fun, especially this one featuring Salem. You can thank the TV show and Nick Bakay’s great performance there for Salem getting some time in the spotlight. Salem’s role in the various incarnations of Sabrina kind of ebbs and flows. The 70’s cartoon featured Salem, though the cat was a girl then.
Holly G then took over the art and writing and I love her style. This was a bit of another reboot after the two TV shows. This version was a bit less jokey and had more drama in her life.
A lot of that drama was her love life. The wizard character, Shinji, was introduced as a romantic interest and a rival for Harvey for her affection.
Sabrina fights a mermaid for Harvey here.
Continued in Part 2.
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