Monday, April 7, 2014

CYBER-PULP FANTASY CORE-Sample Adventure-Estate Part 3

© Jerry Harris 2013
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

Party Entry

We may be breaking the first rule for RPG players here: Never split the party!  Well, this time, it may be inevitable.  Sam is only going to be able to bluff herself and a guest in.  Getting any anybody else in with them at the front door, is going to require a very clever plan.  I’d recommend that the rest of the Crew stay outside and either make their own way in, or have the inside man do something to help them get in.  It’ll be tense in any case.  The players will need a plan.

An android butler greets guests at the door and checks their invitations with a list.  Upon seeing Lila’s invitation, it will process for a minute and then allow the holder (Sam) in, along with one character.  Sam splits with the character as soon as they get inside so she can mingle.  It’s not unthinkable that a guest or two might accost the character for some reason (hitting on them, passing along a stock tip, etc). 

The Party
3 rds after entry, Milo will come out with Randall and another guard and confront Sam, asking how she ended up with Lila’s invitation.  She’ll cover for the guys and eventually leave peacefully, but not before raising her voice and making a scene.  This is to let the character know their cover’s been blown.  After she’s been escorted out, Randall and guard will then actively be looking for the character, and so will the security cameras around the house (1 in 4 chance per rd, unless using some sort of stealth device).   

Alternately, Milo could make a grand appearance in front of everybody, showing off his new artifact, (wait for it) a Drow Soul Crystal.  Randall and a guard are there with him.  Milo lets people gasp at it for a turn before handing it off to the guard, who takes it to the Security Center.  Then Milo confronts Sam and then sends Randall after the character.  (Oh, the looks on the players’ faces after this series of twists.)

There are about 40 party guests and servants in the living room, kitchen, den, and patio.  They are complete non-combatants.  Not only that, they will panic if there’s any nearby gunfire.  The Android servants will attempt to calm the guests and keep them in the living room.  One of the Androids is combat model, disguised as a servant that will protect the guests.  Likewise, the human security will surround on the party, if they think the guests are the target.  They will wait for the police to come to escort them out of the home.

The stairs going to the second floor are covered by a shoe-level light beam sensor (DC 12 to detect).  Breaking the light alerts the Security Center.  They’ll assume it’s a nosy guest and will send a guard to escort them back to the party.

Security Center
This room has a large one way mirror looking out over the corridor, but once again, it’s bulletproof glass.  The door is metal and has a DC 18 keycard lock.  (All of the guards, including Combat Androids, have a keycard).  Any failed attempt at opening the door alerts those within. 

Inside are a bank of security monitors, Randall’s desk, and the estate’s computer.  Usually two of the guards are inside and Randall may be with them.  The other two guards are roaming the estate and grounds.  The outside guards are directed by those in the Security Center, using the surveillance cameras.  If there’s a big enough threat, Randall will join them in engaging it.

For a change of pace, the Soul Crystal is actually just sitting on Randall’s desk.  If Milo isn’t actually the killer, then Randall somehow just acquired it from the real killer.  There’s a paper folder also on his desk labeled, Lila Investigation, which does name the killer.   

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