Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Expedition to the Doomed Peaks--Level Three-Part 1

Fantasy Core RPG
© Jerry Harris 2013
Published here as Open Game Content.
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

Adventure Index

Part One

Player Map

Ref Map

The main lights are off on this level, but all of the computer equipment has filled the level with small, flashing, multi-colored lights. The flooring is clear over the pathway leading to the Master Switching Unit, revealing pulsing, flickering fiber optic cables. Unless otherwise indicated, doors on this level open automatically when approached. The level is filled with computers and electronics equipment, none of which the Medieval character group will be able to figure out or use.

1-Entry (2 XP): Once again, the level map is on the outside of the shaft. The taunting voice returns. This time he sounds a little pissed. “You’re not getting any farther than this. Prepare to die!”

After the characters enter, they become the quarry of 4 insane Androids with plasma guns. Because of the visual riot of flashing lights, it is DC 18 to detect the ambush. They are stationed around the four corners of the main chamber. They will attack one at a time, in a harassing manner, trying to pick the characters off, running to a new location, while another android attacks. It should be made difficult for the characters to figure out how many droids they are being attacked by.

Any naturally rolled miss of 5 or less with a firearm hits a computer bank and shorts it out. There will be 1d6 electrical damage to everyone in the area of the shot. Androids will be stunned for 1 rd. The Androids can also be stunned for 1 rd by a Control Wand once each, but not controlled. They will self-destruct at 5 hp or less and will try to kill as many as possible in the attempt. They carry 3 Plasma Cells with them. They won’t pursue anyone ducking into a room.

2-Master Switching Unit (1 XP for the players figuring out for themselves that they need to gather Keycards, 3 XP for defeating the Arch Baron): This artifact is hard to miss in the room. It is a large column going up to the ceiling and filled with blinking lights. There are 4 glowing Keycard slots protruding out of it at chest level, also hard to miss. If the characters don’t get the hint, the Voice in the head may taunt them with a more obvious hint.

If the 4 Keycards found on the level are placed into the slots, all the power in the room goes out and everything goes dark. The pillar lowers from the ceiling with the Arch Baron demon right on top of it. It reaches the floor in 1 rd, and then the demon attacks. Upon his death, the Exit Elevator opens with a ding.

3-CE Command Elevator (1 XP if the players figure out for themselves that they need to come back to this level to get into the bridge): In the Alien Language, this elevator is labeled, “To Bridge.” There is a glowing cardslot on the outside requiring the Security Bot keycard from the Command Deck level. No other card will work.

4-Exit Elevator (1 XP if the players put on the Envirosuits before going up to the next level for the first time): The cardslot on the outside is not glowing. Surrounding the elevator are six dead bodies wearing Envirosuits. 4 have fully loaded pistols with laser sights, 1 has fully loaded shotgun, and the other has a fully loaded chaingun. Their suits are all fully functional as well. (These guys were all massacred by the Androids before they could confront the Frogdemoth, by the way.)

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