Friday, May 17, 2013

Expedition to the Doomed Peaks--Level Two-Part 2

Fantasy Core RPG
© Jerry Harris 2013
Published here as Open Game Content.
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

Adventure Index

Part Two

5-Library (0 XP): A somewhat antiquated concept, but there are a couple hundred books on the selves. They’re all in the Alien Language of course. They’re sectioned into a hodge-podge of subjects. The Occult/Religion section has been seriously disturbed and the books are lying on the floor. One of them is open to a page describing the Floater demon, along with a picture. Another is open to a page describing the Arch Baron and a picture. And one more is describing the characteristics of the Frogdemoth with a picture.

Each of these books also contains a high-level spell of 6th level. Chain Lightning (DC 18 to cast, 1d12 per ½ level damage (max 5). RS ½ dam). Contingency (DC 18 to cast, sets trigger condition for another spell. Permanent, but only 1 at time). Flesh to Stone (DC 18 to cast, turns subject creature into statue. Permanent. WS, CC to dispel, Reverse spell provided (Stone to Flesh) automatically dispels it). (See #2 Captain’s Quarters for the note on spellcasting.)

6-Casino (1 XP if the players play along with the concept): This room is locked via a glowing keycard slot and can’t be forced. It can only be opened with the captain’s card. Inside it’s brightly lit with fairly low-key music in the background. The characters are locked in after entering, though that won’t be apparent unless try to leave. There are 3 visible Androids in the room. They can be controlled with a Control Wand.

A waitress Android will come up and offer to take their coats and ask if they would like a drink (in the Alien Language of course). If any characters indulge in more than two drinks, their BAB will be at 0 for 1 turn while they’re drunk. A pit-boss Android behind bars in the treasury room will get their attention and tell them that they’ll need at least 1000 gp stake to play. They might have to pawn off weapons or armor to make it. (Or control the boss and make him give you a 1000 in chips.)

Finally, there is a snooty French-sounding (even in the Alien Language) dealer Android, who will ask them if they want to play or just watch. From here, you can be creative. Depending on your knowledge of various casino games, you might want the characters playing craps, blackjack, roulette, something else, or something you make up yourself. Failing that, just roll dice, high score wins. The characters will need to bet before each play. (Controlling the dealer here, probably won’t be worthwhile, since the games are chance, and you can’t tell really tell him to lose. If controlled, he will say, “Monsieur, one must play in order to win.”)

The group doubles their wager with each win, and they lose everything wagered on a loss. If the characters can win three times in a row or even win by “going all in” with at least 5000 in chips, the dealer will announce, “Monsieur has broken the bank.” Immediately the lights go out and all the androids shut down. The front doors open, as well as the treasury room door. They can recover their goods and 1,000 gp in diamonds as well.

If the characters have a bad run and lose everything, the dealer will announce, “Monsieur is bankrupt.” Everything still happens, but an armored plate drops down on the treasury room and will prove impervious to harm.

7-Exit Elevator (3 XP): There’s a keycard slot on the outside, but it’s not glowing. When the characters successfully exit the casino, they notice a bright a golden glow outside in the central hub. Resurrector stands in front of the open elevator doors. His first act is to resurrect any dead monsters in the immediate area. (If the central hub has been the site of a major battle, bring up those. Otherwise, bring out a Mixed Bag gang.) If the monsters get seriously thinned out, have Resurrector bring back at least half of the fallen. Likewise, remember that he can completely heal himself. I’d recommend only doing these tricks 1 time a piece.

Resurrector’s death will accomplish two things. One, the elevator shaft will be clear and the characters will gain access to the next level. Two, its death will keep the dead on the ship from respawning. If the characters make a return trip to the spaceship, go ahead and work out exactly how many Zombies, Hissers, other monsters, and weapons and ammo are on the first two levels.

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