Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fantasy Core RPG Adventure: Goth Hallow-Burial Chamber 2

Goth Hallow
A Fantasy Core Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2014
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

4. Hall of Bones (1 XP for finding and returning heart)

In a pillared chamber with a small altar, stands this incredible sight.  The curved walls of the room are completely filled with stacked bones and skulls.

Professor Wickum is cowering in a corner.  He fearfully points at the wall of bones and says, “They… they killed everyone… and then they went through… through the bones.”  If he is challenged or questioned, Wickum will keep pointing at the bones and will say that there is a terrible evil inside and that they should stay away.   

Samantha’s heart is still beating and bloody inside of Wickum’s backpack, forming a pool of blood beside him.  If he is found out, Senet’s booming voice comes out, “Fools, do not disturb the rest of Emperor Senet!”  Wickum’s human-like appearance turns into a Ghoul and attacks the party.

If the heart is taken back to the Ritual chamber, Samantha will acknowledge it.  She’ll ask for it to be put back inside her and then for all of their bodies to be incinerated.  This action will make Samantha a useful ally of the party later.

The top of a passage is just visible above and behind the bone wall.  The bone wall, in spite of its appearance, can be battered down into a passage fairly easily in about 4 rds.  However, the breakage will cause a Pile of Bones undead creature to form.  It is stationary and only attacks those within range.   

5. Antechamber (0 XP)

All around the walls skeletons and corpses of tomb robbers have been nailed to the wall.  They are all obviously very old.  They are still thrashing about, but are harmless. 

Hanging on a peg on the wall is a large key.  Removing it causes a menacing set of growls to come out of the dark passage leading out of the room.  Two undead Spectral hounds the size of Irish wolf hounds appear.  They will actively work to block anyone from going down the passage.

(Again optionally, weakened Zombies may move into the room at some point.)

6. Burial Chamber of the Skeleton King (2 XP)

The passage to this chamber is about 20’ long.  The heavy, oaken doors at the end are locked.  They are inscribed in an old tongue with the words, “The final resting place of King Markus.”  Without the key from the Antechamber, they are DC 12 to pick.  Battering them down will require some ingenuity and effort on the part of the players and also the door can’t be re-locked at that point.  (Don’t drag it out.  Let them find a way in.) 

Inside, there is a massive sarcophagus with relief carving of a battle on its side filling most of the room, but the top has been pushed open.  The Markus the Skeleton King sits on a stone throne against the far wall, which has a large crack running down it.  “Who disturbs the old king?”  He holds a glowing sword in one hand, a scepter in the other, and wears a large crown on his head.  “I shall deal with you as I have the other trespassers to my tomb.”  He nods at a hammer and 10 large nails beside him.

When defeated, Markus will lay his Sword of Undead Smitting, his Scepter of Healing, and his Crown of Soul Jar at the characters’ feet.  All of these items will radiate magic if detected for.  (The hammer also radiates magic, though it’s too small to be a worthwhile weapon.)  “You are worthy,” He will point at the large crack in the wall, “A great evil has awoken that must be put down.”  And with that, Markus collapses into a pile of bones.       

A set of golden doors can be seen through the crack, gleaming down a short corridor.  The crumbling wall can easily be torn down to allow passage within two turns, or 1 rd if tapped with Markus’ hammer.  For the last time, weakened Zombies may again attack the party.  If they locked the door after fighting Markus, the group will hear them trying to batter down the door, which will occur within a turn.  Ten will storm in, with more coming behind them in a turn.  However, by the time the group finally enters the vault, constables and even the militia should be combating the undead above, thus circumventing further attacks from the rear.   

The door to this room can be totally blocked with the stone sarcophagus lid (taking about 4 people to move it).  Depending on how you are playing this, the characters should be able to rest here (either a turn or a full 8 hours or rest) before continuing on.  If characters have lost significant negative Hp by energy draining, allowing a full rest may be a good idea. 

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