Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Elvis Collection: Newspaper Clips 15

This set of articles starts off with a story about the new at the time, Elvis car museum.  You'd think they would have set that up to begin with at Graceland given the King's famous preoccupation with autos and cycles.  There's also a couple of little articles about Elvis' birthday.  

Here's a couple more birthday articles.  I think that's grandma's handwriting at the top.

Here's a question-and-answer about a Kansas City Elvis festival.  The Flying Elvi will be dropping in.  There's also an article about a new Elvis collection.  Thank goodness new technology allows for endless repackaging of old media.  

Small article at the bottom says that RCA has released Elvis' first single, which he made for his mom non-professionally.  The original disc was thought to be lost.

A little trivia in the inset article.  Whitney Houston's mom was one of Elvis' backup singers.

Nice cover picture on the newspaper TV guide.  Nice deal on pizza there, too.  I think I might have had them a couple of times.

There's an Elvis seminar at the University of Mississippi and a Graceland replica dollhouse in Virginia.  Pity there's no picture with the article.  The owner has Elvis dolls posed with it.

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