Monday, August 26, 2024

NM State Aggies vs Oregon Ducks Soccer 8-22-24


Forgive me, but I can’t believe I wrote that title.  Much like seeing USC here, seeing the Oregon Ducks play here is fairly wild.  Unlike #23 in the nation USC though, Oregon is a big name school, but apparently not great in Women’s Soccer.  I made the mistake of looking at the game preview and found out that Oregon was winless on the road last year.  This is a bit shocking, because I know that the Pacific Northwest is a soccer hotbed.  (I don’t like looking at opponents’ records before a game.  It gives me expectations.) 


This season, the Ducks are 2-0 with home wins against former Aggie opponents, Seattle U and Portland State.  Still, this felt like a winnable game for the Aggies.  I was personally having a poor week.  I wanted a win for myself and was hoping my misfortune wouldn’t rub off on the team.  I also hoped the girls were looser than I was feeling going into the game.      


With a day off, I unfortunately did anything but relax before going to the game, so I was even more uptight.  Coming to NMSU, I was greeted with a girl in a sports bra and tiny shorts doing a handstand at entry arch.  I think there was a photographer there.  I was tempted to stop and stare, but I was in a bit of a rush.  I’d tried to leave early for the giveaway and I was expecting another full house.


The parking lot was full 40 minutes before the game.  I parked closer to the baseball stadium.  At the front gate, I ran into Coach Baarts and his wife.  I told the coach, “Good luck.”  So much for the pep talk.  There were a bunch of Oregon fans at the concessions.  I wasn’t entirely expecting their fans to travel well to Las Cruces.  I just got a drink and some popcorn.  (Oddly, though the popcorn was good, it irritated my stomach.  I’d had a foot-long chili dog earlier that caused me no problems.)  


I got my New Mexico State flag.  I’d missed out on this giveaway at least twice last year.  I’ll figure out somewhere to fly it.  Even better, the Hot Marketing Girl from baseball last season handed it to me.  This evening was already a complete success and then some.  (She’s as unapproachable as ever, but still nice to look at.) 


Encouragingly, Xitlaly Hernandez was out on the field practicing, but she did not play in the game.  A ball got shot into the stands during practice.  You really got to keep your head up at the Soccer Complex.  There was a whole section of Oregon fans in the stands.  An Aggie fan asked them, “Are you people really from Oregon?”  I heard one of them answer that it was just a four-hour drive.  I’d get an explanation on this a bit later. 


It was hot, but reasonably pleasant with some cloud cover blocking the sun and a light breeze.  In fact, they had to turn the lights on before the match.  However, there was a storm to the south.  We could see rain and some lightning flashes in the distance.  Thankfully, this didn’t interfere with the game.  There was a big partial rainbow around the rain. 


The Outlaw Pep Band and the Drum Corps were here.  We’d have music for the game.  A gorgeous girl sat down in front of me.  She looked like a student-athlete, but I couldn’t place her.  Unfortunately, she left halfway through the first half.  A bunch of Aggie teams filled up the hill behind the north goal.   


Oregon wore white shirts with yellow shorts.  (Not the combination I would have picked.)  As their team was introduced, Trinity Morales got a huge cheer from the Oregon section.  She’s from Tucson.  Oh, that’s where the fans came from.  Aggie Mya Hammack came out and I think I saw her wave to someone on the Oregon team.  Mya is from Oregon.  I should also mention Meredith Scott was the C-USA Offensive Player of the Week for her great performance last week.  Everyone was up for the Anthem.  The HMG came back for a merch toss and really played up to the crowd like she does at baseball. 


First Half

The wind kicked up as the half started.  It was blowing against the Aggies.  The Aggies started off the offense with a breakaway by Shila Rasoul, but she missed a pass to a connecting teammate.  41’ left in the half, Aggie keeper Valerie Guha fell on a loose ball.  A Duck player came up and nearly kicked her when she was on the ground.  37’ Brooke Schultz fired a long shot at the Oregon goal that was caught.  A minute later, Oregon took an open shot on the wing that went wide.


35’ Shila sent a chip shot into the stands.  I could almost hear the Softball dugout sing out, “Kick it . . . That way!” and pointing at the Oregon goal.  Val caught another long shot.  Mya booted a free kick that was caught.  28’ Loma was tripped on a throw in by the Oregon box.  The Aggies got a free kick on the wing that Duck keeper, Maddy Goldberg had to knock away. 


26’ after several passes, Ari took a shot that went wide.  A minute later, Meredith took a shot at the top of the Oregon box that was just wide.  She covered her face afterward.  Back to the other end, Oregon got a free kick on the wing of the Aggie goal.  Val pushed out the shot.  22’ Marlee Cavitt on defense broke up an Oregon attack, which led to a counter by Shila on a solo rush.  A couple of minutes later, Carolina Rodriguez made a nice turnover at midfield.  18’ Marlee blocked a Duck shot.


18’ out of a hydration break, Loma McNeese made a brilliant misdirection on a pass by Shila.  Loma stepped aside as Ari took the pass behind her and fired a line drive into the goal. 1-0 Aggies.  There wasn’t much time to celebrate.  Val had to make a save right after.  Then Lauren Machuca took a foul for pushing down an Oregon attacker.  15’ this led to a free kick at the top of the Aggie box.  Duck Haley McWhirter knocked in a header past Val.  1-1.


It got worse.  Right after this, Ari was sent flying out-of-bounds on a body check.  The trainers came over and had to help her off.  Oregon next made a point blank shot on the Aggie goal, but Val stopped it.  After, Duck Taylor Bryan did a crowd-pleasing bicycle kick near the stands.  I think Aggie fans applauded, as well. 


9’ Sydnee Johnson was tripped hard just outside of the Oregon box.  This was basically putting it on a tee for Brooke, who took the free kick and put it right in the goal.  2-1 Aggies.  (I found out later, Brooke actually played for Oregon early in her career.)  The wind began picking up significantly.  I almost had my floppy hat blow off while I was cheering. 


After another ball went directly into the stands, Oregon took a shot with 2’ left in the half.  The wind took it as it sailed wide.  The Aggies had a final chance with a minute left.  Lauren took a shot that went wide.  Aggies up 2-1 at the half.



The Aggies were up 3 to 2 in shots on goal and 1 to 0 in corners.  Three of the Aggie players took off to the public bathroom in the break.  Oregon was using the locker room.  It totally varies from team to team and game to game whether they stay on the field during the break. 


The Band and then the drum corps performed during the break.  The Band was a bit more in tune than last time.  They also did the Macarena while the drums were performing.  They were great, but watching the HMG cross the field before the show was the best entertainment.  Unfortunately, she only did a t-shirt toss to the students on the hill and I didn’t get to see her that well.


Second Half

The wind calmed down.  The teams changed ends.  With that, I got to see my favorite, Mya, walk over to the stands to gather a ball for a throw in at the start.  Ah, beautiful.  42’ left in the game, the Aggies had a corner, but nothing came of it, except Shila got a yellow card for a foul I didn’t see. 


Oregon was back on the attack.  They took a shot on the wing that went out.  The Aggies countered.  Loma broke the ankles on a defender.  She took a liner shot that was caught.  40’ Val caught high bouncing shot in front of a couple of attackers.  Right after, Syd was fouled.  The free kick produced an Aggie free kick and a header that went over the goal.


37’ Oregon got their first corner.  The attack ended with the ball going out.  35’ Loma took an elbow to the back and was pushed into the ground.  34’ Oregon had a great rush.  Too great.  Offsides.  Trinity came in.  The Oregon section cheered.  The Aggies and Ducks were pretty judicious in using their subs tonight.  There was a bit of an Aggie defensive breakdown, but the Ducks didn’t capitalize and took a shot that went way high.


25’ Ariana Ellison, with her arm still in a cast, took a shot into the side of the Duck’s goal.  Back on the other end, Oregon had a great chance at the top of the Aggie box, but it went just wide.  22’ Shila took a running shot that went wide.  18’ Ari E. had the drive of the game.  The 5’3” freshman went the length of the field, knocking two defenders out of her way.  The attack ended with a Loma header that went over the goal.  The crowd incorrectly cheered the near miss like it was a goal.  How embarrassing.  One of the Oregon players was hurt on the play and limped off.


17’ Loma elbowed a player down in the Oregon box.  It spoiled her attack, but I wonder if that cheap shot was revenge.  The Aggies took another crack at it a minute later.  Loma faked out a defender.  A header shot was stopped, but Meredith was there for the rebound and just chipped it over the net.  She threw up her hands. 


14’ Mya made a one-on-one stop on the Aggie end on defense.  Shila came back with a shot that went just wide.  The Aggies got back-to-back corners.  11’ Caetlyn Johannes took a chip shot that went just high.  10’ Oregon took a shot into the Band.  They didn’t miss a beat. 


8’ Oregon took a long shot that went high.  7’ Ari E. hit the coach on the sidelines with a wild kick.  This might be her last game.  6’ Meredith was blatantly shoved into the ground.  4’ an Oregon player flipped a dead ball on the sidelines into Mya’s face instead of handing it to her.  This happened right in front of the stands.  I almost jumped down to have a word with this young woman about her manners.  The player (whose number I saw, but am choosing not to write up) did come back and apologize, sort of.  Oregon made a final weak attack with under a minute left.  Val caught a bouncer to her.  Aggies win 2-1!  It’s their first win against a Power Four school!  (As I found out later.)


Looking back, this game seemed a little chippie.  Don’t you think?  The fouls were really obvious.  I was a bit concerned that Oregon might be coming in determined to win the fights if they didn’t think they could win the game.  The Aggies dominated 5 to 2 in shots on goal and 4 to 1 in corners, but both teams had their chances.


Ariana Leamons was all smiles with the win . . . as she came on to the field wearing a cast and walking on crutches.  This was a costly victory.  Ari and Brooke Schultz get my Players of the Game nod.  Them and Haley McWhirter were the only players able to defeat the force fields around the goals tonight.  I’d love to credit the goalies, but most of the shots in the game were well off target.


Oregon ran over to the stands and saluted their fans after the game.  The Aggies slapped hands with fans around the field and saluted the Band.  I was feeling a bunch of tension in the second half (it might have been indigestion), but I was relieved by the outcome.  Tonight, it was another great crowd.  We are getting spoiled by this team.  The fans will show up when they think their team has a good chance to beat anybody at home.

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