Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NM State Aggies vs WNM Mustangs Volleyball 8-25-24

How about this new poster?  I have to say Yasso Amin on the lower right cleans up nice and has a great smile.  After the Crimson and White Scrimmage last week, the Aggies would tune up some more with an exhibition with the Western New Mexico Mustangs today.  I’m still a bit drained from last night’s soccer game, so this recap will be a bit low-key. 


Both squads of Cheerleaders (and Pistol Pete) were working the game for their tune up before Football next weekend.  There was a team of high school girl players sitting where I usually sit, so I was glad I came in a bit late.  Another team would come in and sit at the other end.  Once again, Volleyball had better warm up music than Soccer.  A good, enthusiastic crowd was on hand. 


Several Aggie players were not suited up to play, including Sydney McIntosh, Peyton Castillo, Mia Abalos (that was disappointing), Jaqueline Corcoran, local girl Tess Fuqua, and Ryleigh Whitekettle.  Okay, that last one is upsetting, since Ryleigh is our star player.  She wasn’t bandaged up or anything, so hopefully this was just a precautionary move.  [Pre-Post Edit: Cancel the season.  Coach Jordan said in an interview that Ry is having back surgery.  No offense to her excellent teammates, but this is a major blow to the team.]  I didn’t recognize Mari Sharp again.  Unlike her poster picture (top right), her long hair was now curly and below her waist (and completely unlike her poster last year with shoulder-length curly hair). 


Western New Mexico had some confusion which direction to face for the Anthem.  They didn’t know where the Flag was.  For their player introductions, the rest of the team stepped back, while the player being introduced stepped forward.  (Love that one player name, Logan Dodge.)  They have a very international roster with players from New Zealand, Columbia, France, and Brazil (and even Las Cruces).  They also brought a pretty good cheering section.


The Aggie new intro video was produced to AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.  It was cool.  It really exercised the Pan-Am’s sound system.  Newcomers Nelle Reese (setter) and Nicole Briggs (middle blocker) started Set #1.  Oddly, two liberos were introduced for each team.  I won’t know until watching another game if this is a rules change.  Kaylee Peterson was the other libero.  (Darian Markham was the primary, of course.)  Unfortunately, she didn’t see action today.


Set 1

Again, this is an exhibition.  There’s no official stats and it doesn’t count, so I’ll lightly recap this match.  The Aggies took an early lead.  Yasso put in several kills and Starr Williams had a block.  At 7-2 Aggies, setter, Claudia Rossi, came in to set and serve and got an assist to Aleka Darko for a kill.  9-4 Darian saved a setter dump shot.  A couple of points later, Claudia successfully dropped one in. 


At 12-5 Aggies, WNM took a timeout.  The crowd went crazy for the t-shirt toss from the Cheerleaders.  Mari had a flying kill and followed it up with an ace.  A group of little girls started chanting, “Hit the ball, Aggies!”  After a couple of Aggie attack errors, Coach Jordan got up for some commentary.  After a Mustang ace made it 16-11 for a four-point run, the Aggies took a timeout. 


Starr put up a couple of kills out of the break, including a dig that nearly rebounded into the scoreboard unit.  Yasso had another kill at 19-13.  She came out and took an offered seat between Coach Whitis and Coach Battle (Tatyana Battle, of course), who both spoke to her.  Freshman Makayla Martinez came in to serve.  


23-15 Ashley Herman tooled a block.  She came out with Claudia and they both got additional instruction from the assistant coaches.  Starr finished up the set with a couple of kills, 25-18 Aggies.  The final point was the longest rally of the set.  WNM libero Lilouann Bechec dove into the sideline tables going for that last swing.          


Set 2

The teams changed ends.  Wow!  The WNM assistant coach, Jen Whetten, was like a silver blonde Barbie.  I hesitate to imagine what she looked like as a player.  Aggie Soccer came in and sat down across the court.  Ariana Leamons had some trouble negotiating the stairs with her leg in the cast.  The Crimson group of cheerleaders sat down and the White group took over. 


Maggie was in and put in a kill.  Nelle put in an ace.  (I hope I was identifying the right setter in this.  Newcomers, Nelle and Claudia, bear a passing resemblance to each other.)  It was close early.  Mustang Jayden Hughes made a solo block and then had an overpass kill to tie it at 4.  Starr tooled a block to break the run, but Mustang Carley Deck put in a kill between two blockers to make it 6-5 Aggies.


That staff photographer who was bothering the Volleyball girls last night, was now bothering the Soccer girls.  He was all over one of them.  I couldn’t quite identify who, otherwise I might be more jealous.  You know, this might have also been the guy who was all over Peyton when she was injured on the bench last season.  (I’m really trying too hard to interject a little more drama in this exhibition.)


On the next two points, Maggie had a touch kill and Starr followed it up with the thunder, 8-7 Aggies.  Bianca Perez came in to set and served up Ash for a kill.  10-7 Aggies.  Timeout WNM.  Yasso had touched an out serve on the previous point, but came back with a kill off a block on the next point.  After a block by Kacia and another Ashley kill, Maggie put in a kill.  17-12 Aggies. Timeout WNM. 


Maggie and Nicole teamed up for a block.  Starr made back-to-back kills.  Nicole made a couple of bear paw slaps for kills from the middle blocker position.  Grad Assistant, Lia Mosher, must be working with her.  That was her signature move.  Maggie finished the set off with an ace.  25-13 Aggies.


Set 3

There was a guy doing an ear-splitting whistle behind me during the match.  He’d done it often enough at the end of the last set that I was being deafened in one ear.  I should have moved, but I was a little hemmed in.  I hope I avoid this person next time, otherwise Volleyball is going to be intolerable.  (Little wonder I didn’t want to write this.)    

Mia Fox came in for Set 3.  I saw her dancing before the set.  (Like the new setters, the new middle blockers, Mia and Nicole, have some resemblance.  I’ll figure it out by the end of the season.)  The Soccer girls were on Bongo Cam having fun.  Jack Nixon came in and sat at the press table.  He was in shorts and a loose shirt.  It was Casual Day for him with no broadcasting duties. 


Starr had a couple of kills at the start of the set, along with a block with Aleka.  WNM was staying right with the Aggies.  5-5 Rilen Garcia came in to serve.  She got a big cheer from the crowd after her first dig.  Mia and Ash teamed up for a block, but Mustang Eimaya Medina put WNM up with an ace.  A blocking error then put WNM up, 6-8.  Mari scolded the team in the huddle. 


7-8 WNM, Yasso had a kill on a touch.  The call was challenged, but upheld.  The Aggies came back and retook the lead.  13-10 Aggies, Starr had a tip kill.  Darian and Eimaya both had pancake saves on the point.  Starr pounded in two more kills and WNM took a timeout, 15-11 Aggies.  Coach Jordan talked to all six setters.  Coach Whitis wasn’t watching the game.  He was having an involved conversation with a couple of boosters sitting behind him. 


There was an announcement of a fourth set during the break.  That was a good idea.  Yasso made a couple of more kills.  20-17 Aggies, Ash had the kill, but WNM had saves at the net on two overpass kill attempts.  Mia slapped a kill.  Makayla saved the point on a dig when two players fell down.  Ash and Mia combined for a block.  23-17 Makayla aced.  Ashley finished the set by stuffing it into two blockers, 25-18 Aggies.


Set 4

Some of the crowd left, but not before they went berserk for a New Mexico flag toss.  (I got mine last night.)  The lucky fans unfurled them in the stands.  The Cheerleaders packed up and left.  Thankfully, the Whistler left, as well.  Nicole, Maggie, and Bianca started with Makayla in as the libero.


Mari had a flying kill on the first point, but Makayla and Yasso almost took each other out going for a dig.  At 1-3 WNM, the Coach was up again.  Maggie made a kill on a quick set and then aced to put the Aggies up 4-3.


Eimaya aced to put WNM back up, 4-5.  There seemed to be some confusion on the coverage.  Makayla put an ace on the line to put the Aggies back up, 7-5.  The call was challenged, but upheld.  Mustang Jazmyne Walker aced to tie it at 7.  WNM retook the lead, 9-10, on a blocking error.  The Coach was giving instruction to Maggie on court from the sideline after the play. 


Claudia was in to set.  She connected with Ashley for a kill to tie it at 10.  Still, WNM was up at the media break, 13-15.  The Aggies huddled, but none of the coaches talked to the group.  I don’t even know how to interpret that.  Kacia tied it at 15 on a touch kill.  Claudia aced to put the Aggies up 17-16.  WNM fought back to the lead.  Mari went into the sideline tables trying to save the point, but took the next point with a kill to tie it at 18. 


Ash and Maggie kills put the Aggies back up, along with a block by Kacia.  23-19 Aggies, Maggie had an overpass kill.  WNM made a great dive out-of-bounds for a save on the point.  25-20 Aggies take the set, as Maggie finished it off with a kill.  The Aggies took all four sets, not that we’re counting.


First off, Starr Williams had 14 kills (by my questionable count).  I think she’s healthy and going to do well this year.  Yasso Amin had 9 kills, Ashley Herman had 8, and Maggie Lightheart and Mari Sharp each had 7.  This is great.  The Aggies have a bunch of killing machines and Ryleigh Whitekettle wasn’t even playing.  (I don’t know how the Coach is going to find playing time for all of these players.)            


I counted 9 blocks by seven players or combinations thereof.  I’m liking this.  I wrote down aces, but not errors, so I can’t judge the effectiveness of the serving.  (Forget about counting assists.)  Sorry to WNM, but it was enough trouble to track one team’s stats.  I think they put up a very good fight this afternoon, but were overmatched in the end.  They didn’t beat themselves or look bad.  I feel like there are a lot of good players for the Aggies.  It’s just a question of putting the right pieces together. 


Coach Jordan immediately went over to talk to Jack after the match.  They’ve both been here forever.  Did Jack used to call Volleyball games?  I’ve never heard him do it, so it’s been awhile. 


I’d planned on trying out a recommendation for dinner, but I’d gone out with dad yesterday to Arby’s and got stuffed.  I wasn’t interested in another big meal this weekend.  Also, I thought this match was going to be over quicker, so I just went home.  I’m sure I’ll get my appetite back in a couple weeks when I go to my next Aggie sporting event.  Hopefully, I’ll recover some enthusiasm, as well.      

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