Tuesday, August 20, 2024

NM State Aggies vs USC Trojans Soccer 8-15-24

When is a tie exciting?  When you’re down 2-1 to the #23 team in the nation with 40 seconds left in the game and you’re driving down on their goal.  Read on.


I guess I’m committed to another year to Aggies Sports.  They had to sell me on it, because I was really wavering even up until I actually left for tonight’s Women’s Soccer match with the USC Trojans.  I can’t believe that I even wrote that sentence.  Softball has regularly pulled in some pretty impressive visiting teams, but it is a rarity for the other programs to get a Power Five school here.  Well, Power Four now.  The PAC-12 is no more and USC is part of the Big 10.  (There’s another unlikely sentence.) 


They’re following up this match with home matches with UNM and Oregon.  Oregon and USC here in the same season?  Are you kidding me?  I listened to a podcast interview with Coach Baarts where the interviewer asked the same question.  He said it was all about the contacts.  Also, the program has been good enough over the past two seasons that they’ve been able to negotiate reciprocal visits for going to their sites.  (My favorite, Mya Hammack, as well as Meredith Scott, definitely another favorite after tonight, and new freshman, Daniela Portillo, were all also on the podcast and they were all darling.)      


In any case, I missed last Friday’s debut exhibition match.  I’d planned on going, but didn’t trust my co-workers to cover for me on a busy night.  I took three days off this week.  There was a data migration and two all-hands meetings I wanted to avoid.  (This was a great idea.  So many people got sick at the first meeting, they had to cancel the others.  Unfortunately as predicted, nobody covered for me, but at least they had an excuse.)


I left way early for the game to go to the ticket office to buy an Aggie Country Pass, only to find a notice which read that they’d closed early to go to the soccer game.  This wasn’t a good start to the season.  Also, the road to the stadium was closed for repaving.  (You only had all summer to do that, guys.)  In spite of these bad omens, I was still committed (or should be committed) and asked for a Country Pass at the ticket trailer.  Luckily, there was a guy there who knew what I was talking about, and they consented to sell me one for $150 (up $10 from previous years, still not too bad).

However, I was still too early and had to stand around the front gate with a few other early birds before they were open.  The Coach Baart’s wife was even briefly denied entry before somebody recognized her.  The USC team bus showed up.  I smiled and waved at the players as they came in.  Whatever the outcome, I was pleased they’d come here.  I got a few smiles and waves back.  There was guy with a camera filming the coach entering the facility.       


Once inside, I grabbed a hot dog and chips and an all-important drink for this very hot evening.  Here’s another unlikely statement: the bun on the dog was super fresh.  Of course the buns will get stale as the season progresses, but for now they’re fresh.  I picked up the team schedule poster at the courtesy table, along with two Football posters.  One of them features Wave the Wonder Dog, who picks up tees after kickoffs.  Is it a bad sign for your football season that your poster features a mascot?


I saw on the team Twitter that Mya and I were wearing the same shirt to the game today.  The merch trailer out for the game.  I was vaguely tempted, but I already have a closet full of Aggie t-shirts and other shirts.  They were selling custom player shirts, too.  The vendor was telling someone that they had to be ordered online.  Coach Baarts and his wife came over to peruse the goods.  I said, “Hey, Coach,” to him.


The stands were mostly empty 45-minutes before the game.  I ate my dinner and regretted not bringing my radio to listen to the Chihuahuas in the meantime.  The PA was playing some truly dreadful rap music.  I was sweating and wishing I’d gotten an IV, instead of a Gatorade.  The clubs warmed up on field.  Bella Garcia was still with the team as the Graduate Assistant this season.  She was in aviator shades with her hair in a tight bun shagging balls and looking very hot (literally and figuratively).


In contrast to any other Aggie event, the bulk of the crowd showed up early.  Officially, it was a bit under 1,000.  The stands and the hill behind the north goal filled up.  I saw this coming, so I was glad I was here early.  A little girl carrying an unbelievably cute little dog sat down behind me.  (I didn’t get to meet the dog, though.)  A bunch little kids in team uniforms came in.  There were some USC fans present.  Some members of the Volleyball team were on the hill and joined by Football team members after they got out of practice later.  Unfortunately, the Drum Corps and Band weren’t yet available for the game.


USC was wearing bright yellow uniforms for the game with red dot pattern on one side.  (I heard on Sunday that were also mesh shirts and very breathable in hot weather.)  Their uniforms were striking and attractive, but also sort looked like they should be making deliveries for DHL.  There was also confusion during the Anthem.  The Aggie girls stood and held hands.  Half of the Trojans knelt and the other half didn’t, but they all still awkwardly held hands.


I have to make a little digression here.  Brittney Griner, a gay black woman, who was exchanged from a Russian prison for a super villain (the “Merchant of Death, they made a movie about the guy), just won a gold medal with the USA Women’s Basketball team.  She cried standing for the Anthem at the medal ceremony, because she felt so proud and lucky to be an American, after previously taking a knee during such proceedings.  Meanwhile, these mostly White USC chicks are still BLM’ing.  This includes their goalie, Laurence Gladu, who, let’s just say lacks any obvious female characteristics.  This person looked like they were crying while kneeling.  And this person is also Canadian. 


First Half

Eventually, I was going to have to talk about the actual game.  There was some pregame weirdness.  A flight of three paragliders took off from somewhere behind the nearby football stadium right as the game started.  They circled around overhead and eventually took off for the mountains.  Needless to say, the crowd was distracted.  Thankfully, the girls on the field paid no attention to the aerial spectacle. 


USC got the first opportunity with a corner with 41’ left in the half, however, the Aggies got the first shot on goal by Lauren Machuca a minute later.  The Aggies got their first corner at 36’.  There was header at the goal which was blocked.  USC got another corner a couple of minutes later.  A ball got fired into the stands shortly after.  People were still coming in.  Though a large crowd, people were fairly tense and quiet.


It was a fairly even back-and-forth, until 25’ left in the half.  The Aggie defense was busted after an offensive charge.  Aggie goalie, Valerie Guha got caught in a one-on-one with Trojan Maile Hayes and didn’t have much of a chance.  1-0 USC.  The crowd kind of groaned at the easy goal on the defensive lapse.  I’m not sure if it was an over commitment on offense or USC was just a step quicker.  There was hydration break right after the goal.


I was asked by a fan sitting next to me if I worked for the Sun-News, since he’d seen me writing in a little notebook.  I don’t even read the Sun-News.  The rest of the crowd was just murmuring. 


The Aggies came down for an attack.  The ball was kicked out and went over the grandstand.  19’ another USC corner.  Their attack ended with a header shot that went over the goal and hit the scoreboard.  17’ Ariana Leamons took a shot that just went wide.  15’ Val made a save.  Right after on a USC corner, another header hit the Aggie goal post.  Val caught another shot after a follow up corner.  9’ Val was caught in a one-on-one again, but managed to dive on it.


The paragliders returned.  They wheeled around the stadium and landed.  Hot as it was, it was partly cloudy.  There were storm clouds out-of-town to the south.  Impressive arcs of lightning could be seen from them.  Overhead, there was a bright three-quarter moon.


USC made a few more attacks in the closing minutes.  One shot was knocked out by an Aggie header.  With a 1’ left, speedy Sydnee Johnson made a final Aggie attack and the goalie fell on the ball.  1-0 USC at the half. 



The youth teams gathered and ran out across the field.  There was one little girl who did run back to the sidelines, but she eventually ran back for the group picture.  For stats, corners were 5 to 1 USC and both teams were even with 2 shots on goal.  The storm clouds to the south were staying put, as the sun started to go down.


Second Half

The Aggies came out attacking furiously.  44’ left in the half and there was a long shot by Loma McNeese on the USC goal.  A minute later, Meredith was knocked down twice, before there was finally a whistle.  She came up smiling, so I guess she was okay with it.  40’ there was some furious action around the USC goal before the goalie finally fell on it.  The crowd was responding to the effort with a “Let’s go Aggies!” chant and pounding on the metal bleachers.


The Aggies made a couple of more attacks, including a solo charge by Loma.  Her shot was fallen on.  31’ USC picked up the attack.  A beautiful cross field pass led to a header that was dunked in by Maria Alagoa.  2-0 USC.


It was getting late for some people and the some of the fans started leaving.  A couple of minutes after the goal, USC nearly put in another on another crossing pass.  28’ Ariana pushed down a Trojan player by pushing on her head.  The ref missed it.  The crowd did not.  Right after, USC took another shot that went wide. 


A cool breeze blew across the stands.  It was nice, but I was hoping it wasn’t blowing in that storm.  26’ a loose ball got away from the USC goalie, but there were no Aggies around to capitalize on it.  24’ Loma fell down in the USC box with a cramp.  One of the Trojans came over and helped to stretch her out.  Sorry I didn’t get her number.  That was nice sportsmanship.  17’ mass Aggie subs.  A minute later, Val caught a soft shot.


14’ off an Aggie corner, the Aggies got a good concentrated attack.  Blakley Edgar and Andrea Alvarenga found Kennedy Herrera, who put it in with a header off her lovely long silver blonde hair.  2-1 USC. 


9’ Sydnee made a breakaway attack that was broken up.  7’ a USC attack wasn’t cleared and they got another corner before it was finally kicked out.  4’ another round of Aggie subs.  3’ a long Aggie free kick was caught.


This takes us to the finale.  39 seconds left, Sydnee started a rush at the USC goal.  Freshman Milana Eyrich took a shot that was blocked.  There was Meredith, though.  She took out the trash and kicked it right in, 2-2.  The crowd exploded.  The girls exploded.  The game ended in a happy draw.


After the game, the Volleyball and Football teams rushed out to congratulate the Soccer team.  A bunch of little kids ran over to them, too.  Finally, the team went around the field to shake hands with fans on the field.  This wasn’t a win, but I doubt too many experts would have picked the Aggies to play the preseason #23 team in the nation and not get straight up beat.


How can I pick anyone other than lovely Meredith Scott and her clutch equalizing kick as the player of the game?  Also props to Coach Baarts and his strategic substitution strategy.  Both goalies, Valerie Guha and, yes, Laurence Gladu, got peppered, but kept the score low and close.     


This was a nice way to start that $150 investment in Aggie Sports.  It was a bit of a disaster when I got back to work on Friday, but it was worth the time and money.

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