Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Elvis Collection: Books, VHS, and a Hankie

This is a bit of a grab bag of items before I start posting the next Elvis scrapbook.  This first book is a monster.  It is huge and heavy.  I remember buying this for mom without taking into account that she wouldn't be able to lift it.  Oops.  

Same cover picture, different book.  This is the other book I'm keeping for myself.  Perhaps you might question my taste in wanting a book about Elvis' movies.  In the forward, the author makes a case for defending his film legacy.  

In describing each film, sometimes the author makes the opposite case.  (She does like Jailhouse Rock pictured here.)  There's all sorts of little trivia and behind the scenes details about the movies, even if the films are dismissed as art.  Whatever.  I just like it.  Don't judge me.    

This was in a mailing package.  I think it's an oversized hankie.  I don't know the story behind it.

Here's some other Elvis books.  The bottom one came with an interview CD, which is pretty neat.

Here's some paperbacks.  I was briefly excited by finding The Elvis Presley Story novel, since it was from 1960.  Unfortunately, it's just a bunch of articles about Elvis from his early career put in book form.

Here are some VHS tapes.  I copied all of these onto computer files.  Elvis '56 is an amazing documentary just focusing on one year in his career when Elvis hit it big.  He was busy in 1956.  Elvis on Tour is a really good concert documentary.  Martin Scorsese did a great job editing it.  Finally, there's Viva Las Vegas with Ann Margret.  This is a fun Elvis movie that I can recommend.  

I also copied several other tapes, including a tour of Graceland with Priscilla Presley, an Elvis biography, and some Elvis anniversary shows on Entertainment Tonight and the CBS morning show.  One thing I couldn't find, that I'm sure mom had, were some episodes of the Young Elvis TV show.  (Those are actually all up on Youtube anyway.)   

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