Tuesday, September 10, 2024

NM State Aggies vs UC Davis Aggies Soccer 9-8-24

This is confusing: two Aggie teams playing each other.  I thought I heard their fans ringing a cowbell at one point.  I’ve heard of UC Davis before, but I didn’t know they were the “Aggies.”  Well, I know who they are now.


Last night, Aggie Football played conference-favorite, Liberty.  The Aggies had led for most of the game, but gave it up late and lost, 30-24.  It was terribly disappointing.  However, Liberty was a 22-point favorite, so the loss was kind of encouraging.  I was concerned that this loss was going to carry over to today’s soccer somehow, if for no other reason than the game went really late into the night and some of the girls might have been there for the end.


[Pre-Post edit: On the Coaches Radio, Coach Baarts confirmed that they were there for the end and he wasn’t pleased.  Him and whole team were there and were honored on field, but probably in the first half.  The game lasted until after midnight.  He did appreciate that the girls were supporting the Football team.]             


(In spite of the heavy points spread, Liberty was only a 60-something% favorite to win.  The odds-makers suspected something.  Against an FCS school last week, the Aggies had only been like a two-point favorite over SE Missouri, which they did beat.  Meanwhile that same week, former Aggie quarterback, Diego Pavia, led Vanderbilt to victory over two-touchdown favorite, Virginia Tech.  Vandy owes us a Christmas card.)


Aggie Soccer was coming off a long road trip.  They’d beaten Pacific, 3-1, but then lost to Washington (2-0) and Arizona (1-0).  Loma McNeese won the C-USA Offensive Player of the Week award for scoring two goals in the Pacific game.


It was a brilliant day regardless.  It was cloudless and warm out with a stiff, cool breeze.  I’d hoped road construction in front of the football stadium by the soccer field had been finished by now, but no chance.  There are now huge piles of dirt there where they’re digging something up. 


The crowd to start the game was bad, even with a knot of UCD fans there.  There had been a free ticket offer for fans who had attended last night’s football game.  However, it was the opening weekend for the NFL.  Eventually, some late-arriving fans came in to make the crowd decent.  I didn’t see any other Aggie teams in attendance, but those teams might not have been available in the afternoon.      


I was a bit subdued.  Yesterday, I’d had a pizza with dad to watch the Arkansas/Oklahoma State game.  (I’d never seen dad so nervous about a football game.  I didn’t know he was such an Arkansas fan.  He’d leave the room during pivotal plays and even left early when the game went into a second overtime.)  We went to the Farm & Ranch Museum with one of his neighbors, but then I was Shanghaied into a trip to the mountains and then to a Mexican food restaurant, where I had half-pound hamburger.  I didn’t get a stomachache, but I was still feeling the effects of overeating. 


The Aggies had a couple of players starting, Janae Shaklee and Ariana Ellison, that I wasn’t expecting.  I wondered if there had been injuries on the road, but more familiar players did cycle in.  Oddly, it seemed that the officials were late to the game.  The usual coin toss for who gets the ball first and the inspection of the goals happened very quickly after player introductions, instead of well before as usual.  


First Half

This game didn’t go well for the Aggies . . . err . . . New Mexico State.  UCD dominated on offense early.  They made several attacks and Valerie Guha, the Aggie goalie, was kept busy.  Before the late-arriving fans came in, you could clearly hear all of the chatter out on the field.  36’ left in the half, Milana Eyrich made the first Aggie attack.  It was a solo charge that was stopped and immediately went the other way for a UCD attack that went over the Aggie net.


There was a near miss on the Aggie net a couple of minutes later with only Marlee Cavitt back defending the net from an attacker.  33’ Other Aggie Jayde Holley found Sam Tristan with a crossing pass and an easy tap in.  1-0 UCD.  It looked too easy.  Val was waving her arms at her teammates afterward.  The team held a quick huddle.  The onslaught continued though, as Val stopped a point-blank shot from Sarah Canavan a couple of minutes later. 


The momentum finally swung.  28’ a long Aggie shot was punched out by UCD goalie, Caeley Goldstein.  Then Milana made a curving ground shot that was caught.  A gust of wind knocked my floppy hat off my head.  Another fan handed it back to me.  This wasn’t the best choice of hats on a windy day. 


23’ after some good dribbling and a pass, Canavan was open at the top of the Aggie box and buried it.  2-0 UCD.  Right after a turnover on the Aggies’ midfield kick, the Other Aggies nearly put in another one.  This was turning into a possible rout. 


Xitlaly Hernandez and some mass Aggie subs came in with 19 minutes left.  15’ X took a long shot that went wide.  She tossed her magnificent mane of curly hair back in disgust.  More Aggie subs came in with 12 minutes left.  These players seemed to be coming from deep on the bench.  The Aggies made a couple more attacks, before X bizarrely slipped on a ball she had just stopped.  She went down and the trainers had to help her off.  During the stoppage, Mya Hammack and Val were both out haranguing the ref.  I don’t know why, but I know Mya just loves chatting with the refs.  (I’m jealous.)


More Aggie subs came in.  Mya even came out.  4’ Tati Jerman made a good long shot.  Goldstein made a nice diving save on it.  3’ the disaster becomes official.  A UCD shot was blocked, but Val couldn’t hold on to it.  Other Aggie Teresa Garcia tapped in the loose ball to make it, 3-0 UCD. 


It almost got even worse.  Another UCD shot seemed to go in right after.  The goal was announced and was even up on the scoreboard.  However, there was no mid-field kick, so play continued before it was announced that the goal was waved off.  It was probably an offsides call.  Goldstein dove to stop a final Aggie shot before the half ended.  3-0 UCD.



UCD was up 4 to 2 in shots on goal and 4 to 1 in corners.  I was sort of surprised Valerie stayed in goal after the third goal.  If that fourth goal had counted, surely, Coach Baarts would have taken her out to protect her stats.  No backup goalie went out on field to warm up during the break.


The Aggies retreated to the locker room.  Xitlaly brought up the rear, but she was back walking unassisted.  The coaches followed a bit later.  The Other Aggies were sitting on one corner of the field like they were having a picnic, which they pretty much were. 


I sat back and enjoyed the sun and the breeze.  I didn’t have much choice.  I was regretting not bringing a radio so that I could listen to the Ranger game that was on, not to mention the Chihuahuas and the Cowboys were also playing. 


Second Half

It was still mostly bench players who started the half for the Aggies.  I wonder what Coach Baarts said to the team in the half to justify this apparent throw.  Still, the Aggies dominated possession for most of the half.  They made several attacks that Goldstein had to field. 


37’ left in the game, a ball popped up into the stands.  A fan shouted, “I got it!”  He didn’t get it.  31’ right after Kennedy Herrera tripped an attacking UCD player, Loma was clobbered on the other end.  Even from across the field, you could hear it.  She was okay and now really motivated.  Apart from these two incidents, it was a fairly clean game.  (That is to say, bruising, but not putting people into the ground.)  29’ Loma made a great move and took a shot that went just wide.


Ariana was on the grandstand side of the field for much of both halves.  I could see the small, slight girl get absolutely exhausted.  She was finally subbed out with 16’ left in the game.  15’ Loma took a hook shot in front of the net.  It seemed to go in slow motion but hit the end the far end of the net.  3-1 UCD.  There was nearly no reaction from anybody after the goal.  It even seemed to take the PA by surprise and there was a delayed announcement.


Loma took a couple of more shots.  During a stoppage, she was by the stands and yelled at her team, “There’s still 11 minutes left!”  Loma was in on an assist attempt.  A minute later, Goldstein had to punch away another shot by Loma.  5’ Jaiden McCellan took a long shot that was caught.  4’ Loma passed to Carolina Rodriguez on a breakaway.  Goldstein had to stop another shot.


2’ a loose ball rolled down the sideline to one of the smaller stands.  A rushing Jaiden called out to the fans there to stop the ball and toss it to her.  Nobody moved.  Val ran over to the grandstand to take a final free kick.  The game ended.  3-1 UCD.


The other scoreboard stats were 4 to 3 UCD in shots on goal.  The Aggies were up 6 to 5 in corners.  UCD seemed content in the second half to stay on defense.  They only made a couple of probing attacks.  I suspect they could have run up the score more had they wished.   This broke the Aggies’ unbeaten streak at home at eight.


Our Player of the Game is Loma McNeese, who scored the Aggies’ only goal today.  She was also the main attacker for the second half.  I’ll also single out UCD goalie, Caeley Goldstein.  She didn’t have to do much in the first half, but was very busy in the second and kept the Other Aggies in the lead. 


I was a bit stunned coming into this game from yesterday.  I was more stunned afterward.  I’m not sure what happened to the Aggies here other than they just ran into a good team (UCD 4-2-0).  USC and Oregon may have still been coming together at the beginning of the season.  Hopefully, they’ll regroup for conference play coming up. 


I’d noticed there was a game going on at the baseball stadium when I came in.  It was still going on when I left.  I wasn’t in the mood to stay unfortunately.  I got back home in time to only hear the Ranger postgame show, but did get to hear half of the Chihuahuas’ game and the Cowboys’ game.  I sort of glossed over a bunch of my notes here but wasn’t in the mood to give a detailed account of this game either.  I’ll be back for Volleyball later this week. 

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