Friday, July 10, 2020

Artifacts: Thanksgiving, New Years, and Children's Day

Let's just grab bag a few random holidays.  First up is a handmade card for Thanksgiving from my parents.  I'm not sure what prompted this, but it's nice.

This is from my pre-school teacher, Mrs. Lamb.  This was from apparently after we'd moved to Albuquerque from Missouri.  What a sweet lady!

The old saying is that there's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, but everyday is Children's Day.  However, there is an actual Children's Day.  It's the weekend before Father's Day.  Mom's parents used to celebrate it, so I'd get a little present on the day it came up.  Dad thought it was all scam.

This is actually my favorite card of all of the cards I've posted.  Mom sent this Children's Day card to me after I'd moved out.  Unfortunately, she put a lollipop in the envelope, which didn't go through the mail system very well.  I did get the card (and what was left of the pop).  Anyway, her poem for the card is still very touching.

Today is Children's Day
But I cannot find my child!

Why aren't there toys all over the house?
Why am I not saying, "Jerry, get up!  Time for school!"?
Why isn't there a mountain of jeans to wash and iron?
It's been a long time since I said that college books are overpriced.
Why isn't there loud music coming from Jerry's room?

I miss kissing my child at the door
Everyday and and saying, "Have a nice
Day and drive carefully."

Oh, I remember . . .
My child is now
A nice young man
That any parent would be proud of.

We love you,
Mom and Dad

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