A Fantasy Core Setting
© Jerry Harris 2014
(This link will take you to the
Fantasy Core Index.)
The Convicts
Many of the colonists in the Southland are transplanted
convicts, who chose permanent exile from their nation in return for populating
and developing the colony with at least some freedom. This option was only available to those
convicted of non-violent or non-capital offenses. They were simply dumped here with nothing but
a mandate to meet with their parole officer once a month for their first
These individuals form the bulk of the menial labor pool in
the colony. Lacking a native population
to impress, like in the Dark Continent , somebody has to do the dirty work.
It’s a hard scrabble existence, but a few, with hard work and some luck,
can do alright for themselves, even become rich (though usually there’s some
larceny involved in that). Southland is
a harsh environment with a sparse population, however. Even the aristocratic gentry in country are
forced to deal with the convicts in a somewhat egalitarian manner. For their part, honest work is only means of
survival for the convicts. There are no
second chances here.
A few convicts have been brought here to serve hard time for
violent capital crimes, though some are purely political prisoners here in
exile. These individuals were considered
too dangerous to be incarcerated in any Commonwealth member nation and could
not be executed for various reasons.
Those eligible for parole after serving their sentence could not be
allowed back into the general population.
These individuals are used for much of the hard civic labor in the
colony under heavy supervision. In
truth, given the sheer remoteness and desolation of the Southland, there’s few
places to run to even if prisoners could escape (the Crossbones “nation” in Tasmania being one).
The option of military service is available for all convicts
with the Frontier Service. As the name
implies, they are holding the frontier against the Humanoid hoards. Most consider this a prolonged violent death
sentence, but it is a path to eventual freedom, if you survive.
The Military and
Appointed Government Officials
has to guard and run the colony. Even
those sent to the Norther March
meat-grinder to fight the barbarians in the Commonwealth homeland, still find
that post preferable as its closer to home.
The soldiers and sailors in the Southland theater count the days until
they are cycled back home. The
government officials posted here more often than not refer to themselves as “in
exile,” which may in fact be true. Some
have hopes that if they do their job well, they’ll be recalled. Most are resigned to spending the rest of
their lives here, hopefully buried and not eaten. Nobody in government with an option
volunteers for the Southland.