Monday, November 8, 2021

Toy Soldiers 7: Godzilla and Superheroes

Yes, here he is, the big guy.  Shrunk down a bit.  Also looks a bit off model.  But, it is Godzilla.  He came with a playset that included a mat with a cardboard cityscape, some small-sized (H/O scale) green soldiers (that were like the guys from the Marine set), a group of panicked civilians in the same scale, some military vehicles, and a Ghidorah figure.  I don’t have him anymore.  My Ghidorah didn’t have wings.  He was more like a three-headed sea monster.  Needless to say, this was a pretty cool Christmas present.  For some reason though, I don’t remember playing with it much.  I couldn’t say why.

What happened to Heroclix?  They just disappeared like they’d never existed, but they were huge at the time.  I was never into the hobby or the game.  What I saw of the little figures were cool, but I didn’t need any more collectibles.  I didn’t really look at the prices on them, so I don’t know if I could have bought some reasonably cheaply, but where would I have put them anyway? 


One thing that put me off was at my comic book store at the time (owned by the dad of a guy I currently work with by odd coincidence), they had bins of common figures.  Forget collecting.  Some of the better figures were under glass under the counter.  I don’t remember why I was looking to buy one, but I liked that Mirage and Brightwind figure and bought it.  I’m a fan of the character.  The base on this figure is actually for the Black Knight, so it can’t be used in play.  So, it’s kind of useless, but I like it.  I also have Free Comic Book Day giveaway figures of Batman and Spiderman, which I should have brought for picture taking.   

These guys are just begging to be painted, aren’t they?  Too bad I don’t have any skill in that.  I wish I had some scale for this, but these are significantly larger than your standard green plastic soldier.  These figures, Submariner, Doctor Doom, Iron Man, and Captain America, were part of a set that included a squad of not-in-scale green plastic solders and a white pickup truck with some superhero stickers on it.  The truck wasn’t exactly in scale either, but there it was.  So, it was a toy set that was sort of tossed together, but I loved it.  For whatever reason, it was fun.

Pictured with the figures are a string and hook.  The little holes in the figures’ hands are so you can slide the figures down the string.  Next to it is the “Activator.”  There are slots on the back of the feet of the figures that you can attach the Activator to and use it to have your figure punch things. 


When brought these figures to work (and showed Taylor, the son of the comic shop owner), I got comments on Namor’s condition.  You can see his left arm is a bit messed up.  I explained that I didn’t like the original pose, so I’d cut off the arm and reattached it using a woodburning pen.  Yeah, that’s kid engineering at its finest.  Considering the tools and my skills, I don’t think I did a bad job.  My co-workers were actually more horrified by my explanation than the condition of the figure.   

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